Delicious Varieties

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"Ah, you're finally back! Took ya long enough." Ace calls to you as you and Deuce walk into the kitchen.

Trey smiles as you set the bags on the counter. "Let's get this tart started!"

Trey finishes the chestnut paste while you and Ace work on the crust for the tarts you're making. Deuce occasionally jumps in to helps but is still in too much of a daze to be of much help if any. You finally role the crust into the tart pan and Trey pours the paste in. Trey puts the tarts in the oven then sets a timer for how long they need to stay in the oven.

Casual banter fills the kitchen while you wait for the timer. Eventually, the timer goes off, causing you to jump in your seat, not expecting the loud beeps. Trey and Ace laugh, amused by your fright. Trey pulls the freshly baked tarts out of the oven and sets it on the island in the kitchen. The delicious smell immediately hits your nose.

Trey grabs a bag of powdered sugar. "Okay, now we just sprinkle on a little powdered sugar, and..."

"Finished!" Ace and Grim cry out.

"Fin...ished." Deuce still looks like he's having a midlife crisis.

Ace turns to you. "Did something happen to him while you were shopping?"

"Uhh, best to let him work through this one himself."

"For sixteen years, I was so sure."

You gently pat Deuce on the back. Ace only rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm pretty beat. Making tarts sure takes it outta you."

"Hey fam!"

You turn to see Carter walking into the kitchen. He lets out a small laugh at your disheveled appearance.

"You look wrecked. Are the tarts done? Ooh, those look sooo cute! Lemme snap a quick pic for Magicam!"

Carter takes various pictures of the tart in different angles while Ace watches on unamused. "What, NOW you decide to show up?"

"I just came to see how hard my little newbs were working."

"It's tough work if you're not used to it." Trey says as he cuts into the tart. "But there's no better cure for the ails of fatigue than something sweet from the oven! Help yourself to some of this tart."

You and the others cheer but Ace gives Carter a suspicious glare. "Pretty funny how you managed to show right when it was ready to eat, Cater."

Carter merely shrugs. "Someone's gotta be the official taster!"

"Mmmm, that smells so good." Grim inhales the smell coming from the tart. "Glossy chestnuts on top, fluffy cream below... I can't wait another second, I'm going in!"

Grim chows down on his slice. You shake your head at Grim's manners. You take a bite along with the others. Delicious flavors of chestnuts and cream fill your mouth. It was the best dessert you have ever tried in your life.

"Oh dang." Ace says in amazement.

"Yuuum! Liked and subscriiibed!" Carter gives Trey a thumbs up.

Deuce stares at the tart in awe, seemingly broken from his trance. "This is like something from a fancy bakery."

Grim closes his eyes as he tastes the tart. "Rich in flavor, yet not too sweet. It's like chestnuts are dancing across my tongue!"

Trey smiles but was a bit confused. "Is that a good thing?"

Carters eyes light up. "Oh, Trey! You gotta do the thing."

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