A Deul Ill Advised

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"And as for you your majesty, 'your majesty' indeed!"

You open your eyes, waking up upon hearing someone shouting. You look around to see you're in some sort of court room. You find yourself seated in the jury box next to the other members. The one shouting was none other then the blonde haired girl in the blue dress standing on a podium, sending a glare to the Queen who resides in the judges seat.

"Why, you're not a queen." The girl continues. "You're just a fat, pompous, bad tempered, old ty-tyrant!"

Whoa, she's really giving it to the Queen.

But the Queen didn't seem to be paying attention to the girl. In fact, she was just looking at herself in the mirror. "Mmhmmhmmhmmhmm... what were you saying my dear?"

A purple striped cat materialized on top of the Queen's crown wearing a large grin. "Well, she simply said you're a fat, pompous, bad tempered, old tyrant!"

The cat then laughed like he said the most funniest thing in the world and disappeared. The Queen turned beet red, her shoulders shaking with unbridled fury. She points at the girl.

"Ooooff with her head!"

The card soldiers surrounded the girl, all wielding sharp spears in the shapes of hearts or spades. The little man besides the Queen in a smaller chair stood up excitedly. You think he might be the king.

"You heard what Her Majesty said, off with her head!"

All the cards drew their weapons. The poor girl looked around fearfully trying to find a way out.

You feel the familiar pull and the ripples fill your vision as you see the girl running away from the angry mob chasing after her. You close your eyes, hoping she got away safely.

You open your eyes to see your back in your bed. You rub the sleep from your eyes as you sit up. Why doesn't anyone stop the Queen? Everyone let it escalate too far.

You stand up and got ready for the day. You finished putting on your school uniform, smoothing out the wrinkles, when Grim rushed into the room.

"Hey, Y/N! Ah, good, you're already up."

Ace pokes his head behind the door. "Today's the big duel! Let's DO this thing!"

You carry Grim in your arms as you make your way through the gates leading to the Heartslabyul dorm. Ace is to your left while Deuce is on your right. Both of them try to portray themselves as confident but you could see in their eyes they were nervous.

"Did you hear? They say someone's challenged Housewarden Rosehearts to a duel!"

"Riddle Rosehearts? Seriously? Whoever it is has gotta be outta his mind. Riddle will have his head off in five seconds flat."

"Still, it's the first challenge since Rosehearts took power. I'm pumped!"

Students gossip all around as you make your way over to where Trey is standing. Deuce and Ace break off and stand by the Headmage. Riddle has his arms folded and looking very unimpressed at Deuce and Ace. You stand to the left of Trey, Carter rushes over to you.

Carter holds into your shoulders. "You're saying Ace and Deuce are challenging Riddle for the housewarden's seat? Please tell me you're kidding."

You nod and Trey sadly shook his head. "I tried to stop 'em." Trey says.

"Of all the stupid ideas... I just hope this doesn't make everything worse." Carter steps to stand next to you.

"You and me both."

"We are about to commence two challenges for the housewarden position at Heartslabyul House." The Headmage calls out. "The first challenger is Ace Trappola. The second challenger is Deuce Spade. The current housewarden they have challenged is Riddle Rosehearts."

Crowley looks to Riddle. "Now, in accordance with the duel rules, please remove the magic-sealing collars as they would provide an unfair disadvantage."

Riddle reluctantly waved his red jeweled pen and the collars dissipate off both Deuce and Ace. They both breath a sigh of relief.

"Ah! FINALLY, the dumb collar is off!" Ace cheers.

Riddle scoffs. "Enjoy your moment of freedom. The collar will be back on soon enough. I could hardly believe it when I heard you two intended to duel me. Is this a joke?"

Ace puts a hand to his chest affended. "Do I look like I'm joking?"

Deuce narrows his eyes. "I'd never propose a duel as a joke."

"Hmph." Riddle waves his pen. "Have it your way. Let us get this over with."

Carter hesitantly speaks up. "Uh, Riddle, what do you want to do about today's afternoon tea?"

Riddle doesn't take his eyes off Ace and Deuce. "A foolish question. You know that the rules stipulate I take my tea every day at 4 p.m. sharp."

"It's just that it's already past 3:30..." Carter trails off."

Riddle turns his glare to Carter. "And you fear that I will be late? All the more reason to end this promptly. It appears I have little time to waste. Rather than facing my opponents in succession, I will take on both at once."

Riddle's gaze briefly falls on you. You give him a small smile, trying to show you don't want him hurt or injured. Riddle's expression never changes as he glares back at Deuce and Ace. The gathered students cheer and shout their praises for their housewarden.

"You can do it, Housewarden!"

"Knock 'em dead, sir!"

Deuce and Ace glower at their dorm mates. Feeling very nervous suddenly, you step closer to Trey. He wraps an arm around your shoulders. You lean into his embrace, thankful for the comfort he's giving you.

"Cowards." Deuce says to his dorm mates.

Grim puts his paws over his eyes. "Myah. I got a bad feelin' about this."

Ace nudges Deuce with his elbow. "Hey, at least we got a plan."

Riddle nods to Crowley. "Headmage, please give us the signal."

Crowley holds a small mirror into the air. "When the mirror I've thrown shatters upon the ground, that is your signal to begin. Ready... Go!"

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