Guest Restoration

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Everyone's eyes widen. Vil takes a step back. "You."

You turn around and see a familiar figure. He looks at the broken stage. "I thought I'd arrive a bit early, and what do I find but a stage laid to waste?"

"Hornton! You made it!" You run up to the boy and hug him.

Everyone stares at you in shock. "Hornton?"

Grim smirks. "Oh, hey! So you're that Hornton guy who wanders around the Ramshackle Dorm garden late at night." Grim trots to the boy. "I heard about you from Y/N. You really do have horns growin' outta your head!"

Deuce scoops up the cat before he can get any closer. "Grim, are you nuts? Y-you can't just talk to an upperclassman that way!"

Ace stares at you like you've gone crazy. "Y/N! You're really calling THIS guy Hornton? Do you have a death wish?"

You let Hornton go and shrug. "What? He wouldn't tell me his name and said I could call him by a name of my choice." You laugh. "Though I guess Grim technically chose that name."

"Roi des Dragons, how did you get into the coliseum?" Rook asks.

"I was invited, by the child of man living in Ramshackle Dorm. I have my invitation right here." Hornton takes out the ticket from inside his jacket.

Rook shakes his head. "That's not what I was asking. The entire venue is still enveloped in the cursed poison mist generated by Vil's signature spell. There's no way anyone coming into contact with that curse would come out of it unscathed."

Hornton tilts his head. "Oh yes, I suppose there was some sort of cantrip up when I came in. But no curse, no matter how powerful, will work on me."

Vil scoffs and folds his arms. "I see you've taken advantage of Y/N's ignorance to have a bit of sport.
Housewarden of Diasomnia, the dorm based on the lofty spirit of the Thorn Fairy, Malleus Draconia."

You look to the boy in surprise. "Wait, so you're that Malleus I've heard everyone talk about? Guess the M.D. on the card makes a lot more sense now."

The boy smiles and nods to you. "Indeed. I am Malleus Draconia, soon to be ruler of Briar Valley."

"Myah," Grim looks to Deuce and Ace. "You guys were talkin' about this crazy powerful guy at the Spelldrive tournament. You mean to tell me that was Hornton all along?"

Malleus smirks. "I trust you see what I meant now, when I said not knowing my name was for your own benefit." He turns to Vil. "By the way, Schoenheit. You seem to have had a bit of sport, yourself. However did you become such a mess? You're hardly living up to the Fairest Queen's spirit."

Vil sighs. "You're not wrong."

"What's the trouble?" Malleus asks. "Tell me, children of man."

You run a hand through your hair. "It's a bit of a long story."

After explaining what happened, Malleus nods. "Ah. Now I understand what happened. I must say, though. I'm most impressed. A magical reaction on the level of an overblot... And not a single one of the many mages on campus, myself included, took notice of it."

"What?" Kalim exclaims. "You mean there's no panic outside?"

"No." Malleus shakes his head. "The Royal Sword Academy students are singing near the gymnasium, a short ways off from here. They've attracted a considerable throng, but other than that." He shrugs.

"This coliseum plays host to Spelldrive games, defensive magic exams, duels for the seat of housewarden, and more." Rook adds. "I've heard from the faculty that it's imbued with a special field that makes it harder for damage to spill out."

"So then, if we hadn't gotten Vil back to normal..." Epel trails off.

"Help wasn't even on the way?" Ace scratches the back of his neck. "Yikes."

Malleus hums. "I suppose it's immaterial, at the end of the day. You owe me, Schoenheit."

Vil quirks an eye. "What?"

The ground starts shaking with a loud rumble.

"Myah! What's goin' on?" Grim clampers to Deuce's shoulders. "All my hairs are standin' on end!"

Malleus grins. "Children of man, I shall bestow upon you a gift."

"What are you doing, Malleus?" Vil asks with wide eyes.

"This is even more trifling of a task than re-weaving unraveled fabric." Malleus waves a hand. "Come! Return to your proper place! Revert to your proper shape!"

You watch in awe as all the debris on the ground fixes itself. It's almost like watching a tape rewind as magic repairs the stage. As soon as it started, the ground stops shaking and it looks like nothing happened.

Epel rubs his eyes. "W-wait... What just happened? No way! The whole coliseum is back the way it was before, in an instant!"

"You're right!" Deuce looks at the newly built stage.

"Amazing!" Kalim cheers. "Did you do that with magic, Malleus? That is SO COOL!"

Ace looks to Malleus in shock. "Whoa. I've known it since I saw him in the Spelldrive tournament, but boy, he's ludicrously beyond our league."

"Roi des Dragons, c'est magnifique!" Rook applauds. "Your magic never ceases to amaze!"

"With the stage restored, I can watch you perform now." Malleus shrugs. "That's the extent of my interest in this matter."

You smile brightly. "Thank you so much, Hornton!"

Malleus laughs. "You know who I am now, and still you stick to that pet name?"

"Oh, sorry." You rub your arm. "Should I stop calling you that?"

Malleus only smiles. "It's fine. I don't mind." He turns to Vil. "I've set the stage for you, Schoenheit. I trust you will keep me suitably entertained."

Vil brushes his hair back with a scoff. "I hardly need your urging to put on the finest possible show. You'd best be ready for a standing ovation."

"I'd expect nothing less." Malleus slightly bows to you with a grin. "If you'll excuse me, then. I look forward to the show."

In a blink of an eye, Malleus is gone.

Rook chuckles. "I was hardly expecting the Roi des Dragons to give us his personal blessing. Lady Luck truly is on our side. Now is the time for us to show the NRC Tribe's unity."

"Yes." Vil nods. "I'll take full responsibility for explaining this to the headmage and whatever follows. For now, we have a Song & Dance Championship to win!"

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