Power Supreme

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   The Scarabia students all descend on you. The Octavinelle boys and Kalim form a protective circle around you. They manage to fend off the horde but are quickly overwhelmed.

   "Incredible." Azul marvels. "He's controlling all these targets at the same time AND making them do separate things! Mediocre, nothing. He's easily one of the top magicians in the entire school, to say nothing of Scarabia!"

"I keep squeezin' em but they keep gettin' back up." Floyd shoves a boy away. "Are they zombies or what?"

"Jamil, please, just stop!" Kalim pleads. "You can have what you want! You can be housewarden! I'll go home to my family!"

   Jamil glares. The red magic swirling around him turns black. "What? You thought that would work? My spell won't be broken so easily, Kalim. Not as long as you exist in this world, Kalim!"

   "Jamil, you're courting danger!" Jade shouts. "If you keep using your signature spell like this, you'll exceed your blot tolerance level and-"

   "Shut up! Don't you order me around! I'm through following others' orders!" Inky black substance forms in Jamil's hands, making their way up. "I'm going... TO BE FREE!"

The ink completely consumes Jamil, transforming him. Ink clings to his arms. He has a black turban with a red feather pinned by a crimson jewel. Red silk and golden chains drapes across his arms and chest. His hair turned into black snakes, their eyes glowing red.

   Behind Jamil was a large, inky monster. It looks similar to the genie you saw in your dream but it was a dark red with gold armbands. It has a sultan's hat as the top of his ink bottle head.

The hallway is filled with a black mist, making the hallway turning to a dark red. Kalim's eyes widen. "What in the world? J-Jamil just transformed?"

"The very air around us is changing." Jade observes. "It's just like what happened with Azul..."

Azul steps back. "He's overblotted! And right on winter break with no prospects of backup from any corner. This is quite the conundrum."

Grim crawls to your shoulders and hides behind your hair. "Did he turn into another one of those dark berserkers?"

"The negative blot energy is swelling up. Everyone, steel yourselves!" Azul takes your hand and you both run down the hallway.

   The others follow behind you. You burst into the lounge with the horde of Scarabia students chasing after you. You run to the edge of the balcony, peering over the railing to see you're too high up to jump.

   Turning around, your heart stops seeing Jamil grinning from ear to ear. The twins stand on either side of you while Azul shields you from the front.

   Jamil raises a hand, dark magic surrounds you all and lifts you into the air. "I have no need for an incompetant king or a con artist." Jamil smirks. "Your personality flaws give me adequate cause To send you packing on a one-way trip to the ends of the earth!"

   That's just what Jafar said before he...

   Your eyes widen. "Wait!"

   "So long Ex-Housewarden Kalim!" Jamil laughs as he throws you into the night sky.

   You fly through the clouds as the dorm gets smaller and smaller. You see the ground fast approaching. Floyd wraps his arms around your waist and holds you close.

   You land with a hard thud on the sand though Floyd broke most of your fall. You quickly get up and check on Floyd.

  "Oh my god! Floyd!" You brush his hair off his face. "Are you alright?"

   Floyd chuckles. "I've had harder landings. This was nothin'."

   You sigh with relief. "You didn't have to do that."

   Floyd stands and grins at you. "I had to protect my little Shrimpy."

   You're thankful that it's dark so he couldn't see your cheeks redden. "Well, thank you."

   "Owww..." Grim shakes the sand from his fur. "I really can't catch a break around here."

Azul stands and dusts himself off. "It would seem he flung us quite some distance."

"Brrr!" Floyd rubs his shoulder. "It's seriously cold here. It's like we're under the ice floes."

You shiver. The Scarabia clothes you're wearing is meant to keep out the heat. "You can say that again."

Jade looks to Kalim who still lays on the sand. "Kalim? Kalim, are you all right?" He kneels by Kalim. "Please, speak to me."

Kalim groggily sits up and holds his head. "Where am I?"

"Good. You're awake." Jade smiles. "I believe we're at the edge of the dimension that contains Scarabia Dorm."

Azul takes off his jacket and drapes it across your shoulders. "Grim is a ball of fur, and we merfolk have some innate cold resistance, but... I fear Y/N and Kalim will not last long in this cold."

You wrap the jacket around you, grateful for the warmth it gives. "Thank you, Azul."

Jade wraps an arm around you to help warm you. You lean into him. "We don't have any brooms or carpets to fly out on. What does that leave us for options?"

Floyd looks in the direction of the dorm. "It'll be a slog, but walkin's our only way back."

"We spent quite a while in flight before we landed." Azul stated. "It would take hours, possibly days, to trudge back on foot. And I can't take another minute of you with that voice, Floyd. I'm tearing up the contract and annulling it." Azul takes the contract from his pocket and tears it to shreds. "Back to your old voice."

"Awww, but I liked being all baritone." Floyd sighs. "Yup, all back to normal."

Jade smiles at his brother. "I'm impressed you're okay with making a contract with Azul and lending him your signature spell as collateral, if I do say so myself. I'd worry about him inventing excuses to hold onto it indefinitely. So I'd never make a contract with him, personally."

"Yeah, I wouldn't put that past him." Floyd shrugs. "But I didn't care about gettin' my magic back all that much to start with. If I got tired of the voice, I could just change the terms to somethin' else."

Azul folds his arms. "I'm standing right here, for the record."

Kalim sniffs, putting his head between his knees. "Jamil, I trusted you."

"You cryin', little Sea Otter?" Floyd asks. "Your tears are gonna freeze over, y'know."

"It's all my fault..." Kalim runs a hand through his hair. "I drove Jamil to the brink without even realizing it. The real Jamil would never do such things! He's a good guy. He's always helping me, giving me a shoulder to lean on, and-"

"Kalim, stop."

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