New Reign Cut Short

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Inside the dorm lounge, the black mist and red air fills the room. Jamil sits at the rug with the Scarabia students scrambling to follow his every order. Azul and the twins hide behind one of the large columns and Grim stands on Floyd's shoulder. Kalim hides outside the balcony on the carpet.

"Bring on the food! Bring on the drinks! Today we celebrate the deposal of the old, useless king, and the crowning of a far more deserving successor!" Jamil smirks. "I'm on top of the world. I've got all the magic I could ever want at my fingertips."


Jamil's eyes widen when he sees the source of the voice. You stand by the door dressed in the two piece gown. The top of the outfit is a red, off-shoulder bandeau, and the shoulder-cloth is translucent. The bottom of the outfit is red breeches with red organza veil-like dress. You wear a gold arm cuff and a golden necklace with a matching tiara.

   Kalim's jaw hangs open seeing you. "Wow..."

   Azul and the twins look equally stunned by your appearance. Floyd chuckles. "Little Shrimpy sure knows how to flex the drip."

   You step forward. "You are the most fit to be king of Scarabia."

   Jamil stands, eyeing you curiously. "How did you get back here? I thought I sent you away with the street rats."

   You boldly step forward. "I ran away from them. I made a mistake not siding with you. So I came back to prove my loyalty to you."

   Jamil waves a hand. "Leave us."

   The Scarabia students all run out the door. Leaving just you and Jamil.

   Jamil smirks, walking up to you. "A beautiful desert bloom such as yourself should be on the arm of the most powerful man in the world."

   You see Kalim slowly flys in closer, hovering by the ceiling. You look back to Jamil, trying not to give anything away.

   Jamil chuckles. "Now, tell me more about myself."

   "You're tall, handsome..."

   Jamil grins. "Yes. Go on."

   "You're so strong and powerful. Your intelligence is beyond compare"

   "And the street rats?" Jamil tilts his head.

   "What street rats?" You wrap your arms around his neck, discreetly gesturing with a hand for the others to get closer.

   Azul and the twins inch closer. Kalim follows suit. Floyd's foot catches on the rug and almost trips. He manages to save himself but Grim falls to the floor, crashing onto a chalice and sends it clattering. Jamil looks over his shoulder but in a panic, you hold his face and press your lips against his.

Everyone freezes, stunned by the display. Jamil wraps an arm around your waist and brings a hand to your cheek.

"Bleh." Grim sticks out his tongue, looking disgusted by the scene.

Jamil pulls away, smirking. "Why Y/N, that was-

Jamil narrows his eyes. He sees Kalim's reflection in your tiara. Jamil whirls around. "You!"

Jamil sends a blast of magic at Kalim. "How many times do I have to get rid of you?"

Kalim swerved out of the way. As Jamil readies another shot, you grab his arm. "Jamil! Stop!"

Jamil throws you off him. Before you hit the ground, Azul catches you. "I got you."

Jamil glares at him. "I sent you to the ends of this dimension! How did you get back so fast?"

"I filled a dry river with water and we swam back." Kalim lowers the carpet to the floor and hops off.

The twins stand on either side of you and Azul. Floyd chuckles. "Not that it was a cakewalk, I'll tell ya. I'm pretty worn out!"

Jamil growls. "Now I see. You used Kalim's signature spell. So your little trick had a use after all. And here I'd written it off as a worthless spell only good for watering plants or filling a pool."

Azul steps in front of you protectively. "You clearly don't appreciate Kalim's power for what it is, then."

"Jamil..." Kalim takes a step closer. "Now I see what you've thought of me all this time. There can be no question now. You're a coward and a traitor!"

"Fool." Jamil glowers. "That's what you get for trusting me blindly."

Kalim narrows his eyes. "Face me in combat. I'll win back the housewarden seat you've stolen from me."

Jamil scoffs. "You accuse ME of stealing? How dare you. You're the one who stole everything from ME! Now you shall witness my true power!"

The ink monster forms behind Jamil. "Cower before my might! Phenomenal, cosmic, power!"

Kalim gets into a battle stance. "I'll knock some sense back into him!"

Kalim and the Octavinelle boys fire shot after shot at Jamil and the ink monster. It's nearly impossible to land any hits on Jamil. The monster behind him is incredibly more powerful than the ones you've faced before. Kalim whistles and the carpet swoops down. He jumps onto the carpet and attacks from the air.

Jamil roars. "I am the true ruler of Scarabia!"

Azul dodges an attack. "How much power has he been hiding all this time?"

Kalim shakes his head. "I refuse to give up."

The monster throws a ball of dark magic at Kalim. He dives out of the way and flys close to the monster. Firing a shot at point blank range at the monster's glass vial head. It roars and swats Kalim away like a bug. Kalim crashes into the ground.

You rush towards him. "Kalim!"

You gently remove the carpet that's covering him. Kalim has his eyes closed and remains unmoving. You hold Kalim's hand while you run a hand across his face.

"Please wake up, Kalim."

For a heart stopping moment, Kalim remand still. He coughs and slowly sits up with a groan. "That two faced son of a jackal..."

"Are you okay?" You worriedly ask.

Kalim smiles. "I'll be alright. Did I get him?"

You sigh with relief, smiling back. "Yeah. You got him good."

Kalim stands. "Then let's get back to it!"

Kalim runs to rejoin Azul and the twins. The monster is faltering now that it's badly injured. Purple magic swirls around Azul. The magic condenses into Azul's pen. He narrows his eyes at Jamil.

"This is for kissing Y/N!"

Azul releases the burst of magic and it hits the monster, shattering its glass head. Jamil falls to his knees and cries out, clutching his head. The black ink consumes Jamil. You rush over before the ink can consume him completely. You slide on your knees and take Jamil's hands in yours. A jolt runs through your spine and you look to the sky as everything fades to black.

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