Waters Unknown

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You, Rook and Epel fly across the ocean towards where Vil and the others were taken. An endless sea of clouds below you. You sit behind Rook on the broom, holding him tightly.

Rook takes a deep breath. "Clear skies, warm sun. What prime flying weather this is!"

"Yeah, sure." You burrow your face against Rook's back.

Rook looks over his shoulder at you. "I thought you enjoyed flying on a magic carpet, ma belle?"

"On the carpet, I could actually sit down and have room to move!" You shout against the wind. "You can't do that on a broom!"

Rook only laughs. He glances over to Epel. "You seem a bit distant, Epel. Are you feeling fatigued from our long-distance flight?"

He shrugs. "Well, there is that, but I'm still floored."

"About what?"

"Your family villas were spectacular!"

Rook laughs. "Oh, that's what this is about! Well, you're always welcome to pop by for a visit."

"Those villas were mighty fine. I couldn't imagine just swingin' by on a lark." Epel flys closer to you. "You know what I mean, right, Y/N?"

You nod. "Yeah. The villas were incredible. I'd love to visit again when we're not on a dating rescue mission."

"Perhaps I'll invite you and the whole NRC tribe over for a pajama party." Rook smiles over his shoulder at you. "My siblings do use them at times. But I'm sure they'd be happy to let me use one, as long as I notify them in advance."

"Oh, you've got siblings, Rook? How many do you have?" Epel asks.

"Five. Two are older than me, and three are younger."

"Oh, so there are six of you." Epel's eyes widen. "Wait, six is kind of a lot!"

"Yes, we're rather a large clan. We only get together about once a year, as it's difficult for everyone's schedules to line up. But things get quite lively when we're together!" Rook laughs.

Epel tilts his head. "It's strange. The more I learn about you, the more mysterious you become."

"Oh!" Rook perks up. "Epel. Y/N. We are approaching the area where my mark from Arrow Afar faded."

"And that's where the Island of Woe is?" Epel asks.

"Yes." Rook nods. "Let us descend."

You descend through the clouds. You're expecting to see an island, but once through the clouds, you only see the vast ocean.

"Huh." Epel looks around in confusion. "I don't see any sandbars, much less an island. Are you sure this is the place, Rook?"

"I'm certain of it." Rook says with determination. "There's no question Vil's group is here!"

Inside the control room, Idia slouches in his chair. "Well, we've got half a day left. The next thing we should do-"

Alarms blare through the room. Red lights flashing in warning. Idia looks at the lights, confused. A radio crackles on.

"Acting director."

Idia moves to answer. "Yes, Idia Shroud speaking. What's happening?"

"Our facility is under attack by an unknown assailant."

Idia's eyes widen. "What do you mean, under attack? Is the invisible shield down?"

"The shield is operating as normal. It should be impossible for anyone to see us from the outside. Charon Hepta Team is ready to scramble. We have already dispatched a recon drone."

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