Cakes, Strawberries, and Trey

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You tap your pencil against the coffee table, trying to figure out this hard problem on your homework. You sit on the floor in your dorm foyer leaning against the couch. You groan in frustration when you can't get your brain to function. You put your head on the table, wondering how you'd be able to solve this.

Your phone buzzes, alerting someone texted you. Lifting your phone to your face you see it was Trey. Sitting up, you see what Trey texted.

What are you up to!

I'm trying to finish some homework but is stuck on one problem.

Well I find that baking helps me with hard problems. Baking is just chemistry but with food.

Of course you would say that. Unfortunately I don't have anything to bake here at Ramshackle.

Well you could come with me to the kitchen, I was just on my way there anyway.

You sure I wouldn't just hinder your master chef skills?

I wouldn't say I'm that good but you're always welcome to bake with me.

Then I would love to Trey.

Great, I'll stop by Ramshackle on the way to the kitchens.

Can't wait!

You excitedly get ready. Fixing your hair and making sure there was no wrinkles in your clothes. Soon a knock is heard coming from the door. You open it to see Trey standing on the other side. He smiles down at you.

"Ready to get baking?"

"Definitely!" You close the door and walk with Trey. "So what are we backing?"

"I was thinking something with strawberries but I'm not too sure yet."

"We can think of something on the way."

But as you walk towards the kitchen, you talk about everything but what to make.

You and Trey walk into the school's kitchen, finding it deserted with it being after classes are over. Trey hands you an apron and he puts one on himself.

"We didn't come up with anything did we?" You say to Trey.

He laughs and shakes his head. "No I guess we didn't."

You look to the counter to see tons of strawberries. "We'll we definitely have enough strawberries to make practically anything."

"I think I got an idea on what to make."

You turn back to Trey. "What did you come up with?"

Trey scratches the back of his head. "Well, it's like strawberry shortcake but I plan on making it a little bit differently."

You tilt your head. "How so?"

"Instead of using shortcake, I want to try making a sponge cake and see how it turns out."

"Well it sounds delicious to me either way." You let out a small laugh.

You help Trey prep the strawberries while he makes the cake batter. Trey pours the batter into a cupcake pan so they would come out as mini cakes. He puts the pan in the oven and sets a timer. You lean back against the counter, grabbing one of the strawberry slices and popping it into your mouth.

Trey laughs. "Hey, we need those for the cake you know."

You laugh as well. "I don't plan on eating all of them. I'm not like Grim."

You both burst out laughing, knowing full well that Grim would eat every single strawberry before you could put any on the cake.

"Do you want to work in a bakery when you graduate?" You ask Trey.

Trey thinks for a moment. "I'm not sure. I do enjoy baking but I don't know if I want to make a career out of it."

You nod. "That's understandable."

"What about you? What do you plan on doing after graduation?"

You lower your head. You haven't thought about a life here beyond the school. You wanted Crowley to find a way home for you but if he doesn't, what would you do?

"I'm not sure either. I always loved drawing but I don't have my sketchbook or anything to draw with. I thought I could do something with that."

Trey smiles at you. "It seems we're both indecisive."

You laugh, seeing the truth in that statement. "It also seems like we both love creating things."

"That is true. I guess we just have that in common."

Trey gazes at you and you can't help but get lost in his hazel eyes. The timer goes off, making you both jump. Trey adjusts the rims of his glasses and goes to pull the cakes out of the oven. You see the cakes cooked beautifully and rose to the perfect height. The sweet smell makes your mouth water already.

"Alright, now we just need to make the whip cream." Trey hands you a bowl.

You set the bowl on the counter, grabbing what you'd need for the whip cream, and start prepping with Trey. You can't help but feel excited as all the ingredients start coming together.

After the cakes cooled enough, Trey pulled them out of the pan and lined them neatly on the kitchen island. You bring the sliced strawberries and whip cream over. Trey adds some strawberries to a cake then dollops some cream on the strawberries. Then he places another cake on top and repeats the process. I'm the end, the dessert has two layers of sponge cake with strawberries and whip cream. For the final touch, Trey places a whole strawberry on top.

You help Trey with the others, repeating what he did. When you finished, you're left with eight beautiful strawberry shortcakes.

"Wow Trey, these look amazing!"

Trey smiles. "Thank you. It went a lot faster with your help."

Trey puts four in a small box and holds it out for you to take.

"Don't you want to take them to Heartslabyul?" You ask him.

"Yeah but I made too many and since you helped make them, it only seems right for you to have some."

You take the box holding the delicious baked goods. "Thank you Trey. I really enjoyed baking these with you."

"Likewise. If you ever want to bake anything else, feel free to send a text."

You nod. "Of course."

Trey walks you back to your dorm. You stop by your door before you turn around and wrap Trey in a hug. He was surprised at first but quickly returned your hug.

"Thank you again Trey. I didn't realize how much I needed this."

"You're welcome Y/N."

You say goodbye to Trey and walk into your dorm. You sit back down in front of your homework. You take one of the cakes out and take a bite, immediately enjoying the delicious flavors of the strawberries and cream. Glancing down at the problem, you feel more confident in solving it.

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