A Group Counterattack

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Azul looks from Jack to you. His dark silver eyes staring into yours. Azul tilts his head, smiling.

"I'm afraid we're having a staff meeting right now. If you don't have a stake in this matter, I must ask your leave for us to sort this out internally."

Jack steps in front of you and folds his arms, growling. "You think I don't have a stake in this? I was planning on studying on my own and out scoring these guys in a fair competition. And now you've ruined that. I think I DO have a stake in here!"

Grim looks to you hopefully. "Y/N, Jack? Are you here to save us?"

Jack narrows his eyes. "Don't get me wrong. I'm disgusted with every last one of you. Why would I side with the slimeball offering shady backroom deals OR the guys who chose to let others do their work for them?"

Ace folds his arms. "What are you here for, then?"

Jack opens his mouth but no words come out. Jack looks over his shoulder at you, staring into your eyes.

Grim puts a paw to his chin. "Actually, I think Jack's right. He's given me the wake-up call I needed. If you wanna win, you gotta snatch that victory yourself! In other words..." Grim hops down from Deuce's shoulder. "If I can snatch my contract from Azul by force and tear it up, it's null and void!"

"Hey, now that you mention it..."

The gathered students murmur to one another.

"Who needs specialties when we've got numbers?"


Azul shakes his head in disappointment. "Dear me. I really didn't want to resort to violence, but alas. Jade. Floyd. Play with them for a bit."

Jade nods. "Understood, sir."

"Oh man, I get to squeeze 'em all?" Floyd chuckles. "Niiice."

The angry students all rush to swarm Azul. Floyd and Jade step in front and defend their Housewarden. Every student that gets close is quickly subdued by Jade's powerful magic or getting squeezed by Floyd while Azul fires many different kinds of magic. You guess it's from all the students he wrote a contract with.

Jack pulls you behind a flipped over table, an arm draped across your shoulders to shield you. Ace and Deuce hide behind the table with you. The fight was over within moments it's started. Most of the students either collapsed onto the floor or are cowering away from the twins.

Floyd scowls. "Geez, what a bunch of wimps. They're barely worth squeezing."

Azul simply smirks. "It's like a whole school of feeble small fries."

Ace peers over the table. "How many kindsa magic can this Azul guy bust out? I call shenanigans!"

"Did Azul's golden contract deflect all of your attacks?" Jack asks in disbelief.

Deuce groans in frustration. "This is just showing me how hard I lean on my specialty normally."

Grim scampers behind the table to hide. Flopping face first to the floor. Ace shakes his head. "Without his fire magic, Grim's nothing more than your average garden variety weasel."

"Myah..." Grim lifts his head up. "I ain't a weasel." Grim's head flops back to the floor.

Azul pulls out the contact and holds it out to the defeated students. Azul grins. "You have all signed these golden contracts. An official contract is completely unbreakable, regardless of how many bodies you throw at it. No magic can harm this document in any way."

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