Board Game Intelligence

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After training, you and the Octavinelle boys meet in the spare room you've been staying in. The sun has set low, casting the dorm in the beautiful shades of the sunset. You're on the bed with Azul sitting next to you. The twins stand in front of you.

Grim scratches his head. "Kalim was in a pretty good mood today."

"Agreed." Azul pushes his glasses into place. "That was the regular Kalim I know."

Grim shivers. "When he's in a bad mood, he narrows his eyes and gets this scary tone when he talks."

You run your thumb across the bracelet Leona gave you. "It was like a he was a completely different person."

Jade brings a hand to his chin in thought. "Are you certain that's what's happening here?"

Floyd folds his arms. "Whaddaya mean?"

"You're prone to mood swings yourself, Floyd." Jade explains. "Kalim doesn't give me that same impression. I suspect a different root cause at play."

"Jamil said it was brought on 'cause of their lousy dorm standings in Spelldrive and the exams." Grim adds.

Floyd scoffs. "Really? Since when does Sea Otter care about that?"

Grim tilts his head. "Sea what now?"

"He means Kalim." Jade smiles. "Floyd likes to give people nicknames based on sea creatures. In your case, Grim, you have a cute, round little silhouette. Which is why he calls you Sealie. It's a term of endearment."

"I ain't round! I'm full-bodied, thank you very much!"Grim folds his arms indignantly.

Floyd grins. "Sea Otter's always bangin' on a drum with a grin on his face. Reminds me of those fuzzy sea scamps."

"He does have a generally sunny disposition." Azul tilts his head in thought. "I can't imagine his demeanor would shift so drastically over something as minor as unimpressive grades. I agree that the root cause is likely to be something else entirely. If we want to get to the bottom of this, we'll need to get to know Kalim better."

Azul turns to Jade with a smirk. "Jade, would you mind having a little talk with him?"

Jade nods. "Consider it done. Jamil would be a harder target, but Kalim might be willing to talk openly with me."

"Then I think I'll play with Sea Snake in the meantime." Floyd grins, showing his shark-like teeth.

"Excellent idea." Azul wraps an arm around you. "We'll join you for that."

The three of them chuckle. Grim shakes his head. "Their smiles ain't reached their eyes once this whole time..."

The twins set off for their tasks. You stand from the bed but Azul grabs your wrist, stopping you from moving further.

"Did you need something, Azul?" You ask.

"No, but now that we have a moment," Azul let's go of your wrist and stands. "I'd like to thank you for the drawing you gave me."

You smile brightly. "Did you like it?"

Azul smiles, reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out the drawing. It was of him sitting on one of the Mostro Lounge couches holding a golden scroll in one hand.

"You had it with you this whole time?"

"Of course." Azul chuckles. "I keep all my most precious objects with me."

Azul tilts his head, grinning. "You've been holding out on me, Y/N. You never mentioned you were incredibly talented."

You rub your arm shyly. "Oh, I'm not that good. It's just a hobby."

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