On The Sea Floor

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You slowly stand up, feeling sore from the rough landing. Grim dizzily spins in a circle and flops onto his face. Looking around, you realize you crashed into the Mostro Lounge.

"Well, well. What have we here?"

Whirling around, you see Jade and Floyd walking into the room.

Jade smiles. "Patrons in search of a little midnight snack, perhaps?"

"Aw, maaan." Floyd rubs his shoulder. "I was totally ready to squeeze any burglars here to nab our food supplies." Floyd grins. "It least little Shrimpy is here."

"Wha...?" Grim looks around in a daze. "What're you guys doin' here?"

   Floyd rolls his eyes. "Didn't we already go over this? We can't go home over winter break because of ice floes, remember?"

   Grim stands up. "Wait, so we're in Octavinelle?"

   "Yes." Jade answers. "Inside the Mostro Lounge, to be precise."

   Grim rushes over to you and hugs your leg. "WE MADE IT! Finally, we've broken outta that awful prison!"

   "A prison?" Jade tilts his head. "Care to elaborate?"

   "And what's this rectangular flounder-lookin' guy?" Floyd points to the carpet.

   "Oh, that." You say. "That would be Kalim's magic carpet."

   "Magic carpet?" Floyd asks.

   The sound of rushing footsteps draws everyone's attention to the door. A couple Scarabia boys rush into the lounge.

   "There's no escape for you now, thieves!"

   "Surrender quietly!"

   "Mrow!" Grim jumps into your arms. "You chased us all the way here? You guys are seriously stubborn, you know that?"

   The boys advance towards you. You take a couple steps back. Jade steps in front of you, shielding you from them. His usual smile is gone, making him look all the more terrifying. Floyd stands in front of you as well, glaring at the two.

   "What's all the commotion at this late hour?"

   You see Azul standing atop the stairs. One of the Scarabia boys points to him. "You're Azul Ashengrotto, the housewarden of Octavinelle!"

   Azul tilts his head."Would you care to explain what's going on here?"

   "It's none of Octavinelle's business. Just hand over the two of them quietly."

   Azul turns to you and smiles. "Now that I'm looking closer, would that be Y/N and Grim quivering on our floor?" Azul walks down the stairs to you. "They looked so dingy, I thought they were a pair of dustcloths."

   "I promise, I can explain." You hold Grim close.

   Azul only smiles and adjusts his glasses.

   One of the Scarabia boys steps forward. "If you refuse to hand them over, you'll be party to their wrongdoing as well."

   "Hey, are you yankin' my tail here?" Floyd glowers. "Who do you think you're talking to?"

   "No fighting of any kind is permitted in the Mostro Lounge." Azul says. "This is a place for gentlemen."

   "What was that? You're interfering?"

   "Fine. We'll just do this the hard way!"

   Azul rolls his eyes. "I think it's time we asked these ill-mannered patrons to leave. Jade. Floyd. Show them the door."

   The smile returns to Jade's face. "Yes, sir."

   Floyd grins. "On it."

The two Scarabia boys didn't last long. Having to face the twins, they didn't really stand a chance. They quickly retreat back the way they came.

"You haven't seen the last of us!"

"Go on and scatter, you bunch of minnows!" Floyd laughs.

Jade tilts his head, smiling. "We'll be eagerly awaiting your next visit to our lounge."

Grim leaps out of your arms. "Mya-HAH! We did it! You see that? That's what you get, you buncha jerks!"

Azul turns to you. "Now, please do explain why you crashed in here."

You nod. "It's a long story..."

Azul leads you to one of the couches. Jade and Floyd stand in front of the couch and Azul sits across from you as you start at the beginning. You tell them everything that's happened leading to this point. The three consider your words thoughtfully.

"The housewarden of Scarabia is acting out of control, you say?" Azul asks.

"Yeah!" Grim puts his paws on the table. "Kalim's runnin' all his dormmates through the wringer every day, nonstop."

Azul brings a hand to his chin in thought. "I wouldn't have expected that from Kalim, of all people."

Floyd rubs his shoulder. "I never knew the little Sea Otter had it in him."

Jade tilts his head. "He's never given me that impression, either."

"Vice Housewarden Jamil's got his hands full tryin' to deal with it." Grim continues. "He's a decent guy, which is pretty rare for this school. I feel kinda bad for him. And we can't even reach the headmage in the middle of all this mess! That Crowley, I swear..."

Azul listens to Grim's words. Quietly pondering over them intently.

"Azul, you're in Jamil's class, right?" Jade asks.

   "Yes. We also share a number of electives." Azul nods. "Our paths do cross often. Grim might be right when he says that Jamil is a rarity in this school. He's... demure and poised, you might say. He hardly ever ventures opinions of his own."

   "Yeah." Floyd adds. "I'm in the Basketball Club with Sea Snake, and he pretty much plays like a goody-goody. I never pay much attention to other dorms to start with, so I had no idea he was vice housewarden for Scarabia."

   "And now we know he's having trouble dealing with his housewarden's antics." Azul grins. "It sounds like I should come to their aid."

   You tilt your head. "Wait, what?"

   "Wha?" Grim puts his paws on his hips. "Did you hit your head or somethin' when I wasn't lookin'?"

   Azul brings a hand to his chest in mock offense. "Why, I never. I'll have you know the last incident forced me to reflect on my greed. I came out of it a changed man. Moving forward, I've decided to contribute to the school as a whole, in honor of the Sea Witch's spirit of benevolence. Now that Scarabia is faced with a crisis and my very own classmate is in need of help..." Azul smirks. "I can hardly ignore them in their time of need."

   The twins chuckle, seemingly to have caught on to what Azul is up to. Oh boy. What are they planning?

   "It's just as well, I tire of picking at the same turkey dinner alongside the same faces every year." Azul continues. "Why don't we pay Scarabia a visit tomorrow?"

   Grim narrows his eyes. "Seriously? We just broke outta that prison, and you want us to march back in? Count me out."

   Floyd ruffles Grim's fur. "C'mon, Sealie-O, don't be like that."

   Grim bats at the twin with his paws. Jade chuckles. "Have some faith in Azul. I'm sure he'll make this a holiday to remember."

   "It would be rude to visit empty-handed, of course." Azul looks to you and smirks. "Jade. Floyd. Don't forget to wrap up our gifts."

   "Yes, sir." Both twins say. They grin as they stalk towards you.

You hold your hands out in a futile attempt to stop them. "W-wait! What are you doing?"

   Azul smiles and waves a hand. "I could certainly think of worse ways to spend winter break than in a sweltering desert. I can already tell this is going to be positively delightful."

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