Perfect Partner

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   You dodge out of the way as a ghost rushes towards you. Ace fires spell after spell but when one falls down, one always takes another's place.

   "I keep beating 'em, but they're just coming back for more." Ace glowers at them. "Lousy ghosts."

   Nana gestures with her hands. "Princess, quickly! The kiss!"

   Eliza leans in for a kiss but Idia moves his head to the side, seemingly only able to move his head.

   Eliza shakes her head. "Idia, darling, must you keep evading me with this silly display of stubbornness?"

   "Well, you see, uh..." Idia glances to you and blushes, nervously laughing. "I just think a first kiss should be special!"

   "Look at Idia over there." Ace gestures. "See how he's bobbing his head, trying to avoid her? Let's be real here. Your princess is clearly wrong, and you all know it!"

   The ghosts all pause and look to Eliza sadly. Nana floats forward. "Everything we do is for Her Highness's benefit. We've watched over her since she was a little girl. She was so kindhearted and hopeful. All in the land looked forward to seeing what her future would be like. But..."

   Grampy looks to the ground. "Our neighbor attacked us without warning, and all was lost in a single night. Yet still she smiles. She never once blamed us for failing to protect her when she needed it most. 'It's fine. Don't worry about it. I'm okay. Surely one day.' That's all she ever says."

   Eliza stops trying to kiss Idia, looking to the ghosts sadly.

   "She may say those things, but she's clearly not fine!" Nana continues. "She dreamed of meeting her prince for five hundred years, yet she never did. She must've lost hope somewhere along the way."

   Grampy nods. "We, her retainers, want but to help the princess get the one thing she desires. Our beloved, tragic princess..."

   You step forward, drawing everyone's attention to you. You meet Eliza's gaze. "You may not have had such a happy beginning, but that doesn't make all of this okay."

   Eliza was taken aback. "What?"

   Ace stands next to you. "Y/N's right, you know. No backstory, no matter how tragic, justifies makin' this much trouble. For one thing, that perfect prince? Doesn't exist. Never has, never will."

   "What do you mean he doesn't exist?" Eliza brings her hands to her chest.

   "No partner's gonna meet your every ideal!" Ace explains. "That's just common sense."

   The ghosts glare at you and Ace.

   "How dare you speak to Her Highness that way!"

   "Princess, do not listen to him. You have your perfect prince right here."

   Ace only puts his hands in his hips. "And she's stuck on this nonexistent Mr. Right because YOU keep getting her hopes up!" Ace points at the ghosts. "This isn't my first rodeo with this stuff, so lemme break it down for you. You might feel sorry for her, but treating the princess with kid gloves isn't doing her any favors!" Ace folds his arms. "Looks to me like you're a buncha enablers who'd rather take the easy way out than have a tough conversation!"

   "Feels like being called out all over again." Trey says.

   Cater nervously laughs.

   "Tell your princess the truth." Ace continues. "Looks aren't everything when it comes to picking a husband."

   "Well, how else should I choose a prince then?" Eliza asks.

   Ace rolls his eyes. "You're STILL missing the point. You gotta drop the whole prince requirement. As for the perfect PARTNER..." Ace shyly gives you a sideways glance. "How about someone you can laugh and cry with? Someone who'll stick with you through all the hard times? That's the kind of person you should be looking for."

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