May I Have This Dance

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   All the ghosts disappeared to wherever they went. You let out a sigh and run a hand through your hair. "Man, what a day."

   Crowley looks at the decorated cafeteria, putting his hands on his hips. "Dear me. What a day this has been. And now the ghosts have vanished without bothering to break down the wedding decorations. How utterly irresponsible. Our students can hardly have lunch in here with things as they are." He claps his hands. "Students, I'd like you all to take down the decorations before returning to your dorms."

   "What?" Everyone couldn't believe what they were hearing.

   Ace grins. "Everyone except Team Tux, right? Surely after all that, Epel and I are excused!"

   "No, EVERY student must participate." Crowley insists. "A model teacher treats all students equally, and you'll find I'm the most consummate of educators!"

   Epel's shoulders slump. "Aww man."

   Floyd snickers. "Nice try to weasel your way out of work."

   Ace glowers. "Can't you cut me some slack? I've already put in a TON of work. I'm dead on my feet over here!"

   Crowley nods. "You did perform admirably today, it's true. But that's an entirely separate matter. Many hands make light work, as they say. It won't take long with so many energetic youths pooling their efforts."

   Grim tugs on your sleeve. "Psst, Y/N! Don't just stand there! Let's give 'em the slip before the headmage remembers we're here."

   Before you could make a move, the Headmage turns towards you. "Ah, and naturally, Y/N and Grim will be expected to contribute as well."

   Grim groans in frustration.

   "Alright, I shall leave you to it."  Crowley walks out the door without another word.

   Ace folds his arms. "Oh sure, HE gets to slide onto easy street."

   You sigh. "Let's just get this over with quickly."


   After what felt like hours, you managed to finally get everyone to help clean. It took a lot of pushback and persuasion but eventually it worked. Didn't stop them from complaining though.

   "This is ruining my perfectly good manicure!" Vil angrily shouts.

   "This is so boring!" Floyd groans.

   Leona growls. "This is so beneath me."

   You can feel a headache coming on. "Come one, guys. We can get this done a lot faster if we all pitch in."

   "But why do we have to help in the first place?" Ace asks.

   You look to the ceiling, running a hand through your hair.

   Deuce holds up some flowers from the table. "It's a shame we have to throw all this away. This could've been a fun party."

   Jack twitches an ear. "You call being frozen for hours fun?"

   "No, no." Deuce corrects himself. "If we weren't frozen, we could've actually had fun."

   Lilia materialized next to Deuce. "I have to agree with you there. I found myself enjoying the decor in my frozen state."

   Rook smiles. "Then why waste all this beauty and throw it away?"

   Vil folds his arms, quirking an eye. "What do you mean?"

   "I think I know what he's getting at." Azul grins. "Since the ghosts already set up such a nice party, why not use it?"

   Leona tilts his head. "A party, huh? I can get behind that."

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