A Villainous Speech

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The boys easily take care off the Charon soldiers. Riddle dusts off his hands, looking at the fallen soldiers rather unimpressed. "They're easy enough to handle once you know what you're dealing with."

Vil nods. "Quite. These Charons behave more simpler and more systematically than the ones on campus."

The staff member who was attacked looks up at the boys. "You're... you're those subjects!"

"Subjects?" Leona sneers. "I think you mean your saviors. You owe us, so how about taking us to your precious acting director?"

The man backs away. "Stay away from me, you monsters!"

Riddle narrows his eyes. "Did you just call us monsters?"

"And here I just aided you in the spirit of benevolence." Azul folds his arms. "What a thing to say!"

Leona scoffs. "No kidding. Look, we're just a group of poor, lost little lambs who can't find our way. So take us lost kids to the control room already, that's where the adults are, right? Well?"

Vil puts a hand to his hip. "In what world would a lost child have such a sinister glint in their eye? Or act so high-handed?"

The man shakes his head. "No! I don't wanna go anywhere near the central block! That's where Tartarus is! The Cerberus System's been hijacked. Once the Phantoms start pouring out, the island's finished!"

"Wait, what do you mean by hijacked?" Vil asks.

"I don't have time to stand around explaining things to you! Step aside! I've got to get to the escape terminal!"

"Good grief." Jamil rolls his eyes. "Fine, so be it. Just calm down. We know you want to escape, but it wouldn't be wise to go by yourself. Allow us to escort you."

The man looks to Jamil. "Really?"

Jamil smirks. "There's that eye contact. The one you behold is your master. When I ask you a question, you will answer. When I give you a command, you will assent. Snake Charmer."

The man freezes.

"You have an ID card, I presume. Open the door for us, would you?" Jamil orders.

"Yes, master."

The man takes out his card and starts walking ahead. The boys follow right behind.

Azul looks to Jamil with a grin. "I have to hand it to you, Jamil. That was smoothly done."

Vil hums in thought. "He said the Cerberus System's been hijacked. Can you get him to tell us what's going on with that?"

Jamil shakes his head. "Snake Charmer simply allows control over a target's will. it's not like Jade's signature spell. It would be difficult to extract very specific information from a target. If done a certain way, I might be able to get a similar result, but that's neither here nor there."

"Oh yeah?" Leona quirks an eye. "The Octavinelle vice housewarden has a signature spell that can do that? Scary stuff."

Jamil shakes his head. "Oh dear, I said something I shouldn't have. I'm fairly certain he wouldn't want me sharing that, so please do keep it to yourself."

Azul waves an arm. "Don't worry, Leona. Jade's signature spell would hardly be a threat to a mage as capable as yourself." Azul scoffs, whispering to Jamil. "I was trying to keep that secret as my ace in the hole. You let it slip on purpose, didn't you, Jamil?"

Jamil smirks. "Why, I have no idea what you're talking about."

Vil rolls his eyes. "This isn't a school bus, boys. Enough with the chitchat. With this staffer's ID and guidance, we'll be able to reach the control room without getting lost."

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