Jolting Electrification

550 21 17

"Now then..."

You hear Azul walk closer to the desk. You notice Jack's fluffy white tail sticking out.

"Jack." You silently whisper. "Your tail."

"Oh, crap."

Jack swishes his long tail and it lands across your lap and wraps around your arms. His tail was soft, much softer than you thought.

Azul's shoes step in front of your hiding spot. Your heart hammers in your chest, hoping against all hope that Azul can't see you guys under the desk.

Instead, Azul turns around and unlocks the safe and steps inside. From what you can see from under the desk, you see shelves lined with golden paper. Azul holds one up to examine it.

"Hey..." Deuce whispers. "Those are the contracts we signed!"

"So he's been keeping 'em in the vault after all." Ace confirms the thought.

"One, two, three..."

You hear Azul laugh as he counts the contracts.

"He's counting those contracts like they're a wad of bills!" Grim narrows his eyes. "Look at that smirk on his face."

Jack shakes his head. "What a twisted pastime..."

With a smirk, Azul steps out of the safe. He locks the safe back up behind him.

"That's that. I'd better be getting back now."

Azul's footsteps fade as he walks to the door. Only when you hear the door click shut you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. You and the boys untangle yourselves and get out from under the desk. You all stand in front of the desk, stretching your cramped limbs.

Grim hops onto the desk. "We were THIS close to gettin' noticed."

Jack's ears perk up. "Wait, look! He left a contract out on the table."

A contract was placed neatly on the desk right next to where Grim was standing. You take a step back, an uneasy feeling overwhelming you.

Something doesn't feel right.

Ace grins. "For real? Lucky us! Let's swipe it and see if we can tear it up."

"Why would Azul just leave this here?" You ask.

Grim just shrugs. "Who knew Azul was so sloppy with his stuff?" Grim smirks. "Let's see what we got here..."

All the boys reached for the contract.


Before you could get your words out, they all touch the scroll at the same time. As soon as the boys made contact, a crackling sounds emits from the golden paper. The boys bodies go rigid and collapse to the floor.

You stare in shock hands covering your open mouth. They're hair stands on end, like they had been electrocuted.

"MRAAAH!" Grim cries out. "My whole body's paralyzed!"

The door opens wide and you hear a burst of laughter. Floyd steps in, clutching his sides from laughing. Azul and Jade walk in, spotting the boys twitching on the floor.

"Dear me." Azul grins. "You're all twitching like you got attacked by an electric catfish. You look positively silly."

You flinch as Azul turns his gaze to you. He tilts his head as he stares into your eyes. "Well at least Y/N was smart enough to know what a trap is."

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