A Housing Bind

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After packing all of your belongings as you can, Jade and Floyd escort you to the door. You hold the plush bunny Ace won for you in your arms, holding it close.

Jade smiles down at you. "Are you two all set?"

Grim scoffs. "Not like we have a choice."

Floyd waves to you. "Peace, Little Shrimpy and Baby Seal! See you around!"

You walk through the door and into the cool night air. Jack stands up from leaning against the wall, seeing you step out of the dorm. Floyd gives you a wide grin.

Jade turns to you. "And if you're in need of lodgings, feel free to come and speak with us. Reservations for guest rooms in Octavinelle Dorm start at 100 thaumarks a night."

With that, they close the door and lock you out.

Well this day just keeps getting better.

Realizing what Floyd called him, Grim starts shouting at the door. "Hey! Wait! Say that to my face! NOBODY CALLS ME A BABY SEAL!"

You start walking towards the gate entrance and the two boys follow. After closing the gate, you set your bag full of your belongings down. A breeze blows by, causing you to shiver. You hold the stuffed bunny close.

Just my luck Crewel had to take my jacket for a 'style upgrade'.

Grim rubs his arms. "Brr... Guess we're roughin' it tonight. This stinks."

Jack scoffs, taking off his school jacket. "And who's fault is that?"

Jack holds out his jacket to you. You look at him, surprised. "Won't you be cold?"

Jack shakes his head. "Where I'm from, we get colder nights than this." Jack drapes the jacket across your shoulders. "Don't worry about it."

You smile at him and put your arms through the sleeves, already feeling a lot warmer.

Grim puts his paws on his hips indignantly. "Are you saying it's my fault we're stuck out here."

Jack glowers at the cat. "Who else coaxed Y/N into signing that contract?"

Grim opens his mouth but immediately shuts it. Folding his arms and looking away. You hear footsteps approaching, turning you see Deuce and Ace.

Ace waves at you. "Hey Y/N! Grim!"

You wave back to them. "How are you guys holding up?"

Deuce shrugs. "It's hard working under the Leech brothers but what about you? We heard you made a deal with Azul."

You nod. "Yeah. If I uphold the deal, then you and everyone else will be free." You look to the ground sadly. "But if I loose, than they take Ramshackle away."

Ace wraps you in a hug. "We won't let that happen."

You hug him back. "Thanks, Ace."

Ace pulls away and spots the bunny in your arms. "Oh hey! You actually kept that?"

You nod. "Of course! It's the cutest thing I ever seen!" You smile and hug the soft bunny.

Ace laughs. "Glad I could win that for ya."

Grim eagerly hops onto your shoulder. "Myah! Are you guys here to help?"

Ace shakes his head. "Not to help you, but it's kind of our fault that Y/N is out in the cold. It wouldn't sit right with me if you slept outside and caught a cold or somethin'..."

Grim glowers at Ace. "What is it with you and posturin'?"

"We've talked with Housewarden Rosehearts." Deuce adds. "We can offer you a place safe from the elements if you don't mind sleeping in our two man freshman dorm room."

Jack's ear twitches. "You guys are gonna cram ANOTHER two bodies into a crowded two man room?" He folds his arms. "What, does Heartslabyul not have any empty rooms?"

Deuce shrugs. "Since nobody in our dorm ever drops out or gets held back, it's always at full capacity."

"Then..." Jack looks at the ground shyly. He rubs the back of his neck as he looks to you. "Why don't you come to Savanaclaw Dorm instead?"

Deuce and Ace were taken aback. "Huh?"

"I acted like I was doin' you a favor by sticking around for those negotiations with Azul, but I didn't actually contribute at all." Jack continues. "And considering how much we owe you for everything that went down at the Spelldrive tournament, Leona and the others won't make a peep about it."

You feel too shocked for words. Sure he may look like a big bad wolf, but Jack actually seems to genuinely care for you. Deuce and Ace snicker at the wolf's kindness.

"Daaang." Ace taunts. "I never knew you were such a big softie, Jack!"

Grim smirks and folds his arms. "You learn something new every day."

"D-don't get me wrong, okay?" Jack stammers. "I want our next round of exams to be on a level playing field. It's in my best interests for Y/N to win that bet with Azul!"

Ace rolls his eyes. "Yeah, sure, whatever you say."

"Y/N and Grim will probably sleep way better there anyway." Deuce adds.

Ace nods. "Yeah, their options at our dorm would be a spot on the floor or sharin' a bed with me or Deuce. Y'know, that IS still on the table." Ace cheekily grins at you. "Juuust sayin'..."

You smile and shake your head. "I don't want to crowd you guys. I'll just stay at Savanaclaw."

Ace sheepishly laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's cool. I was kidding anyway."

Jack smiles. "Great, then we'd better get back. It's almost midnight as it is..." Jack lets out a yawn.

You wrap the Heartslabyul boys in a hug. "Good night you guys."

Ace hugs you back. "Okay, see you tomorrow."

Deuce smiles. "Have a good night."

Deuce and Ace walk back to their own dorm, leaving you with Jack and Grim. You reach down for your bag but Jack grabs it before you could. He slings it over his shoulder and grins at you.

"Alright, let's head out."

Jack starts walking to the Mirror Chamber and you follow after him. Grim trots alongside you as you walk side by side with Jack.

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