Setting The Bait

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You and everyone else meets outside the dorm. The boys changed into their P.E. uniforms but since yours is still in your dorm, you opted for your Scarabia outfit. Azul stands in front of the group with Jade and Floyd at his sides.

"Proper exercise is critical to honing a more efficient mind for study. However, overstraining yourself will have an adverse effect."

Jade nods. "Mock battles are a good way to exercise while venting stress."

Floyd laughs. "I'm in the mood to cut loose, so count me in! Hmmm, who to fight?"

Everyone backs away from the eager twin. Kalim pumps his fist in the air. "All right, split into teams of five and let the melee begin!"

Kalim laughs. "Mock bottles really are fun. And they're a great way to gauge the results of your training."

The boys splint into groups. Jamil hangs by the stairs with folded arms. He shakes his head with a sigh.

You nudge him with your shoulder. "Don't you want to join them?"

Jamil shrugs. "I prefer to train on my own."

"That's understandable."

"What about you?" Jamil asks. "Aren't you going to train with them?"

You rub your arm. "I don't think I can keep. I'm not as strong as everyone."

"Just because you're not as strong, doesn't put you at a disadvantage." Jamil kindly smiles to you. "If you'd like, I can teach you how."

"Really? I don't want to be a bother or anything."

Jamil nods. "Of course. I wouldn't offer if I didn't mean it."

Your smile brightens. "I'd love to."

After training, Azul leads everyone to the school's cafeteria.

"There's one main reason we've grown as well as we have." Azul states. "And that would be our diet, of course! It's about getting the nutrients you need, not too many and not too few. This helps your afternoon performance."

"Cooking is an essential life skill for gaining an understanding of food and developing a healthy diet." Jade informs.

Kalim nods. "Maybe I should start cooking every now and then I wouldn't have to worry about poison if I prepared meals myself."

"Don't." Jamil orders. "You'll injure yourself again."

"Okay, Sea Otter." Floyd ignores Jamil. "You're in charge of stirrin' the pot."

Jade says to Kalim. "Keep an eye on that soup and make sure it doesn't boil over, would you?"

Kalim smiles broadly. "Sure thing! Glad to help."

"All right, everyone." Jade announces. "Let's make this a meal to remember."

The Scarabia boys all nod. "Yes, sir!"

Inside the kitchen, it's a flurry of activity. Jade stays next to Kalim to assist him when needed. Azul and Floyd gives everyone else tasks to prep the soup.

You try cutting the vegetables but you're not cutting fast enough for the next station. Jamil stands next to you. "Do you need help, Y/N?"

You sigh. "Was it obvious."

Jamil chuckles. "I can show you how to mince."

You tilt your head. "Mince?"

"It's a cooking term that means cutting into small pieces." Jamil gabs a mushroom and the knife. "Like this."

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