Defusing Tension

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Deuce paces in the courtyard, running a hand through his hair. "I blew it big time. I had no business lashing out the way I did. That's not what an honor student does. Someone gives me justified criticism, and I go off on them. Man, I'm lame..."

You run towards the blue haired boy. "There you are." You stop beside him. "I was looking all over for you."

Grim trots up next to you. "Hey, our kindly manager's brought you a bottle of water."

You hand the water bottle to Deuce. He grabs the bottle, his hand lingering on yours. "Y/N, I'm sorry about running off like that."

You smile softly. "It's okay. It looked like you could take a breather."

Grim folds his arms. "No, he should be sorry! If you guys don't win first place, my tuna bonanza goes up in smoke. You and Epel both better buck up and get back to practice."

Deuce chuckles. "You and your one-track mind. It makes me kind of jealous."

"Y'know, Deuce, I've been wondering," Grim tilts his head. "why did you stick your nose in Vil and Epel's argument? Even I know that's just askin' for trouble."

"It is, huh?" Deuce nods. "I agree. It was dumb of me. But I've seen something in Epel ever since we ran into him by the courtyard well. I think... he and I are a lot alike."

Grim scoffs. "Seriously? You and Epel? You guys don't look or act anything alike."

"It's hard to put it into words. It's about wanting to change, but not being able to... Not knowing HOW to change yourself, and just kind of floundering." Deuce sighs. "Ace was right. I'm hopeless with this stuff. I'm bad at getting a point across."

"Such frustrations are the bittersweet pain of youth, Monsieur Spade!"

You and Deuce jump from the sudden appearance of Rook. Kalim stands next to him.

"C'mon, what's the matter? Cheer up!"

Deuce glances between the two. "Rook? Kalim? You scared me! What are you doing here?"

Kalim smiles. "It's about time to get back to dance rehearsal, so we came to check up on you."

"Can I really go back?" Deuce asks.

"Huh?" Kalim tilts his head. "Of course you can."

"Vil was right when he said I'm dead weight. I know that." Deuce looks to the floor. "I was chosen for the ensemble, and I'm trying my best. But I'm afraid it might not be enough..."

Rook places a hand to Deuce's shoulder. "Do not get ahead of yourself, Monsieur Spade. You are but a chick still inside your egg. Would you expect an unhatched chick to accurately gauge their own limits? Non. You will not attain a beautiful warble or plumage for flying while huddling within your shell."

Deuce stares wide eyed, speechless.

"Don't worry. I've heard it loud and clear." Rook looks to everyone. "I've heard all of you pecking, slow and steady, at the shells around you, striving to break out. Here's a bird fact for you, actually. Unhatched chicks have a hard, pointy, horn-like protrusion on the end of their beaks called an egg tooth. They use that to break their shell. That egg tooth fades away as the chick grows, though."

Rook smiles. "The point I am making is this: Ensnared as you are in the throes of hatching, each of you has an egg tooth that no one else possesses. You have power within you, somewhere. Speaking not only for myself, but for Vil: We're both waiting eagerly for all of you to break free and stand tall at long last."

"A strength that only I possess, huh?" Deuce brings a hand to his chin in thought. He sighs. "Nope. I got nothin'. The best I can come up with is that I'm a little quick on my feet. I'm neither book smart or a clever thinker. I don't have much going for me at all, really..."

"Hey, Deuce?" Kalim steps forward. "Maybe the problem is that you keep using your brain to try to work through these problems?"

Deuce tilts his head. "Huh?"

"If that's not really how you're wired, then why are you trying to force it?" Kalim explains. "When I watch you, do you know what I see? I see someone trying to write with their non- dominant hand, then yelling, 'Oh, I'm so bad at writing!' You're doing something you know you're bad at, then beating yourself up when it doesn't turn out well. Of course you won't see your strong points when you do things that way."

Rook chuckles. "Kalim, your eyes are as clear as the sky after rain. Such candor. Such a pure luster. Truly, that is your strength, Roi Doré."

"Was that a compliment?" Kalim smiles broadly. "That's very kind of you, Rook!"

Rook turns to Deuce. "Kalim is right, Deuce. Your true strength lies elsewhere. It's not about using your head."

Grim smirks. "Ain't that the truth? Every time you come up with a plan, it's a disaster waitin' to happen. Remember that time you tried to catch me by throwin' Ace, and you broke a billion-thaumark chandelier?"

Deuce cringes. "Don't remind me."

"I get that a lot too, you know." Kalim says understandingly. "Jamil calls me thoughtless and oblivious all the time. But it also means that whenever I'm feeling down, a little food, rest, and dancing are all I need to purge whatever's bugging me from my mind. So it can also be a plus, in my view. Basically, um... I'm trying to say that something you see as a negative can actually be a positive. I'm not sure how to word it better."

You nod and place a hand to Deuce's arm. "Try looking at things from another angle. A weakness can also be a strength."

Deuce stares into your eyes before something clicks for him. "Oh. Ohhh. I get it! Thank you, Kalim. Rook. I think I understand things a little better now!"

"Really?" Kalim rubs his neck. "Well, glad to hear it!"

"Um, may I ask a question?" Deuce turns to Rook.

"Oui, by all means." Rook waves a hand. "We'll be happy to answer if we can."

Deuce grins. "There's something I need to borrow."

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