A Mind Boggling Story

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You stare at the domed ceiling in awe. Even though you're at the bottom of the ocean, it looks like sun is just beyond the roof. Daylight pours through just as bright as if you were back in the botanical garden.

Idia rolls his eyes. "Sorry to rain on your parade, but this isn't some tourist destination. You can't just roll up on your broom like, 'Me and the boys looking for classmates!' You guys got a screw loose or something?"

You look back at Idia who still holds you close. You realize he's wearing a different outfit than usual. The gray lab coat he's wearing is much more flattering than his hoodie, showing off his slim but muscular figure.

Idia looks down at you, catching you staring at him. You quickly look away, feeling your cheeks blush. Idia clears his throat and lets you go.

Rook tilts his head as he grins. "So the Roi des Dragons spoke the truth. He claimed that Idia Shroud was the Watchman of the Island of Woe, who governs Styx. Goodness, I truly am shocked."

"That makes two of us." Idia folds his arms. "How'd you get here?"

"Before I answer that, might I have confirmation of one thing?" Rook asks. "Are those who were abducted safe?"

Idia groans. "I'm gettin' sick of this cloak-and-dagger act, so sure, I'll tell you. Yes, they're all full of life to an annoying degree."

Rook claps his hands. "Wonderful! I've been so worried, I thought I might burst."

"But like," Idia stammers. "The Charon troops trounced you back at school. Why did you follow us when you knew you couldn't beat 'em?"

"I told you," Rook takes a step forward. "Vil is in mortal peril."

"Mortal peril?" Idia quirks an eye. "My searches indicate this is a state of grave danger involving the risk of death. You've said this a few times now, Rook Hunt. Is Vil Schoenheit afflicted with something that endangers his life?"

Rook shakes his head. "No, but he might, given time. We have come to avert a terrible crisis for Vil. I care not what happens to me, as long as my dear friend is safe." Rook holds out the briefcase to Idia. "Please, I implore you, could you deliver this to him?"

Idia opens the briefcase and takes out one of the vials. "What's all this stuff? Doesn't really look like medicine."

"Scanning bottle ingredients." Ortho hovers above the briefcase and blue light comes from his eyes as he scans the vials. "Main ingredients: water, vitamin C, collagen, essential oils. Wait, are these...?"

"Indeed!" Rook grins. "They are dear Vil's skincare products."

Idia's eyes widen. "THEY'RE NOT LIFE-SAVING MEDICINE? Wha... It's really just a buncha creams and stuff? You're not, like, trying to smuggle in some dangerous potions to help them break out?"

"I've just finished scanning the whole set." Ortho informs. "There are no corrosive fluids or any other toxic ingredients. While they do contain moisturizing agents and a cantrip-level enchantment, they appear to be honest-to-goodness homemade skincare products."

Idia runs a hand through his hair. "Dude. I don't even know where to start. It's CLEARLY not worth risking your life over skin creams. Like, ever."

"How can you say that, Roi de sa Chambre?" Rook exclaims. "You are right. There is nothing more sacred than life. However, some of us hold aesthetic principles in such high regard, we're willing to stake our lives on them."

"Yeah!" Epel agrees. "You're just sayin' that 'cuz you don't know how scary Vil gets when you skip yer skincare routine! It's BAD NEWS, Ah tell ya!"

Idia cringes. "Okay, you don't have shout. So... You guys don't have any other demands? That's it?"

"Oui." Rook nods.

Ortho's eyes grow large. "Wow, attacking the Island of Woe just to deliver cosmetics. Even with Styx's supercomputer system. Your behavioral patterns are impossible to predict. We should probably save this data as an edge case."

"Okay, I get why Rook and Epel are here. Well, I don't GET it, but I get it. But that doesn't explain why you came along." Idia points to you.

You flinch.

Idia strides towards you. "Are you here to deliver some cat food to Grim? Or like, a grooming brush?"

"I-umm..." You feel very small with Idia standing right next to you. You never realized how tall he actually is due to him always slouching. "I just want to make sure Grim is okay."

"Sorry, I don't think I heard you right." Idia shakes his head. "You mind runnin' that by me again? I must've had a chunk of brimstone wedged in my ear or something."

Rook stands beside you, placing a supportive hand to your shoulder. "Trickster is here as the prefect of Ramshackle to retrieve Grim, the one other student in said dorm."

"I wasn't actually asking you to repeat it. I obviously heard every word." Idia scoffs. "Is your sarcasm detector broken? I guess SOME PEOPLE let their emotions get the better of 'em, and they pull wannabe hero stunts, even when they got no real skills. Well, unlike YOU guys, I'm busy. I've got better things to do than listen to speeches about friendship."

"Should we ship them back to Night Raven College, then?" Ortho asks his brother.

Idia sighs. "I'd like to, but... Ortho, c'mere a sec."

They walk further away so you and the two boys wouldn't be able to hear. Idia leans in to whisper.

"It's better to have everyone go through the River Lethe at the same time, to minimize cognitive dissonance. Besides, consider what would happen if we did send them back now. We wouldn't want them getting the teachers or other students involved before the River Lethe is ready to run. tl;dr, I say we keep 'em here until the other troublemakers' tests are over."

Ortho nods. "You make a good point. I'd also like to gather data on how Rook's group found this island. I'll access our systems and find a safe place for them to stay. Looks like we've got a free room in a training facility right here in the Hecate sector. I'll bring them there and draw up the paperwork. They'll need to sign a few things."

"Great, thanks." Idia dramatically sighs. "I've gotta get back to HQ and finish up the rest of tests. We put Subject F's investigation on hold yesterday, so that's gonna take some time too."

"Grim really is special, huh? Hang in there, Idia." Ortho turns around and claps his hands. "Okay! Rook Hunt. Epel Felmier. And Y/N. We've got lots of questions for all of you. Would you please come with me?"

"Oui. But might we be allowed to at least glimpse Vil and others first?" Rook asks. "I would feel so much better if I saw they were well."

You nod. "Please? I really want to make sure Grim is alright." You look to the floor. "I haven't been able to see him in a while."

Ortho shakes his head. "No contact with the subjects is permitted until the tests are complete. Sorry. I'll make sure you get to see each other once we're done, though. So please," Ortho places a hand to your shoulder, smiling under the mask. "just be patient."

You smile back gratefully.

"I see." Rook hums in thought. "Very well. I suppose I should be grateful you're letting us stay at all."

Idia sighs. "So, uh... I'm going back to HQ now. As for this new banner of troublemakers, don't get any more funny ideas. Just behave and do as Ortho says."

Idia gives a half hearted wave as he turns on his heels. "Later."

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