The Stars Align

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In the Diasomnia dorm, Lilia sighs as he turns off his computer. His room is a mess of knickknacks and trinkets from various places. They're all half hazardously strewn about on the floor and shelves in some form of organized chaos.

"I feel bad for canceling on Gloomurai, but now is not the time for fun and games. The housewardens have been taken, and all the other dorms are in a state of chaos. Our dorm is fortunate in that only Silver and Sebek sustained minor injuries from Styx's attack... But as Ruggie and the others pointed out, there's no telling what the Watchman might do next. It would be wise to remain vigilant."

A knock comes from the door. "Father, are you there?"

"Yes?" Lilia turns in his chair. "Come in, what is it?"

Silver steps in. "Thank you. It's about Malleus..."

Sebek barges past Silver into the room. "LILIA! MALLEUS IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND!"

Silver flinches. "Keep it down, Sebek. You don't have to yell."

Lilia chuckles. "Yes, my hearing isn't that bad yet."

"Oh, I beg your pardon!" Sebek clears his throat. "After what happened yesterday, I redoubled my patrols through the dorm. I couldn't allow even the slightest risk to Malleus's person. But when I looked into his room just a few minutes ago, he wasn't there!"

Silver sighs. "Sebek has apparently been checking on Malleus every ten minutes. I tried to get him to ease off so he wouldn't become an imposition."


"Easy, Sebek." Lilia stands from his chair, walking over to the two boys. "As we explained yesterday, the Watchman is not our enemy. Just as they are no one's enemy, so too are they no one's friends. They're an impartial, perhaps even unfeeling, organization, committed to treating all living creatures equally."

"There you have it, Sebek, straight from Father." Silver folds his arms. "If you give in to paranoia, you won't be ready to act when it's truly needed."

Sebek growls. "I don't need you to tell me that! BUT I HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY AS MALLEUS'S GUARDIAN!"

"You don't have to worry." Lilia assures. "I'm sure he just popped out for a walk. I have an idea of where he might be. You two stay here and take a break while I go check on him."

They both nod. "Yes, sir!"

Malleus stands in the lounge of what's left of Ramshackle dorm. He has his arms folded as he stares at the wreckage and debris. Footsteps alert Malleus. He turns and spots Lilia walking towards him.

"I knew I'd find you here."

"Lilia? What is it?"

"Sebek was yelling about you not being in your room, so I came to find you."

"Ah. He's been barging into my room nonstop since yesterday. It was starting to wear on me."

Lilia bursts out laughing. "He is rather loud, isn't he? His voice booms even when expressing concern. I can hardly blame you."

Malleus sighs. "I just came here to have a bit of time to myself."

Lilia comes to stand beside him. "Yes, I suppose it's been your secret spot ever since you started school here."

"So it has." Malleus looks out through the gaping hole in the wall. "I couldn't keep using it once Y/N showed up, though... I was disappointed at first when Y/N started living here. I love abandoned buildings. The ivy running over the cracked walls, the drafts sneaking in through the broken windows... Forgotten places have a kind of desolate, silent ambience I find soothing. They're a pleasant reminder we're not the only ones history has left behind."

Lilia stays quiet, intently listening.

"It's the strangest thing, though... With Y/N and the others gone, this place is back to how it was, devoid of life. Yet when I walk through it, I feel a most unpleasant sensation, like briars scratching against my skin. It's returned to the abandoned building I was so fond of before, and yet I'm feeling this way..."

Lilia tilts his head, lost in thought. He looks up at the night sky. "Malleus, gaze upon what lies above."

"I see the ceiling has a sizeable hole in it."

Lila chuckles. "Not that. Look at the skies beyond. Do you see how the stars are lined up in a lovely, perfect row?
Seeing them aligned as such has been considered a good omen since ancient times. This marks the first time in eighteen years... Or has it been a hundred years? Actually, it might've been three hundred. Anyway, the point is it hasn't happened for a long time.

Malleus hums. "Are you trying to say that this phenomenon will be a rare sight to the children of man?"

Lilia nods. "Though you're going to see this same row of stars quite often over the course of your long life."

Malleus goes quiet.

"The world will be a very different place by the time they align again. And you must come to accept that. Do you understand?"

Malleus sighs, looking back to the floor. "I know. That's why I enrolled in this school."

Lilia puts a hand to the boy's shoulder. "Listen to me, Malleus: never, ever forget the pain you felt here today. You must hold on to that feeling, precisely because you will live beyond this moment for such a very long time."

"... I'll keep that in mind."

Lilia nods. "Good lad. Come, let's make a wish, for all of us to be able to return to our normal lives."

"Alright, Lilia."

Lilia smiles as he stares at the stars. "I've wished upon these stars many a time... but this may be my last."

Malleus's eyes widen. "What?"

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