Amateurs in The Deep

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You stand in front of the Dark Mirror, ready to go to the under water museum. Deuce holds one of the shell shaped bottles skeptically.

"Will Azul's potions really let us breathe underwater?"

Jack shrugs. "Only one way to find out. We'll have to chug 'em and see for ourselves."

Ace takes the bottle and uncorks it, taking a deep breath. "Okay, one, two... three!"

One by one, you all take a swig of the potion. You cringe back after taking a sip. Deuce shakes his head.

"Whew... That was..."

"NASTY!" Grim cries out. "It tastes like someone mixed together dried frog and rotten mushrooms!"

"How would you know what that tastes like?" Jack coughs. "It's a... powerful flavor, all right..."

Ace wipes his mouth with his sleeve. "What genius decided that potions have to taste like crud, anyway? Someone oughta fix that."

"Shouldn't we be more worried about efficacy than flavor? W-wait a minute." Deuce puts a hand to his chest. "It's... getting harder to breathe..."

You try to take a breath but you're finding it harder to get air to your lungs. Jack clutches at his chest.

"Are our lungs adapting to breathing underwater?"

Ace gasps for air. "Aw geez, this is gettin' bad. Let's get in the water, quick!"

Jack turns to the floating mirror. "Mirror of Darkness! Guide us to the Coral Sea!"

The mirror shines brightly and you feel yourself being pulled in. In a blink of an eye, you find yourself in a coral reef. Beautiful colors from all the coral and the fish surrounds you. The light reflecting off the waves shines in the ocean floor.

Grim flails his arms. "It just dumped us in the water! I'm gonna drown!"

"Wait." Deuce says. "I'm breathing just fine."

Grim looks to him surprised. "Huh? Oh, hey, you're right."

Grim happily waves his arms as he tries to move forward without much luck. Jack put his hands on his hips. "We really can breathe underwater."

"Dude! Get a load of this coral reef!" Ace tugs at your arm. "If Cater was here, he's be hashtagging pics of it faster than you could say the word Magicam!"

You try to take in all of your surroundings, finding it hard to look at one thing at a time. A little yellow fish with blue stripes swims around you. You laugh as the fish swam away.

"It's so beautiful here."

The boys watch, loving the sound of your laugh. Deuce dreamily sighs as he watches your hair moving around with the waves, giving you an angelic look.

Jack shakes his head, clearing him from his stupor. "We don't have time to gawk at the scenery. We'd better get a move on and head to our target."

Grim kicks his legs but he only moves at a snails pace. "So hard to move! Mrrragh! I feel like a fish outta water here. Or whatever the opposite of that is!"

With some effort, you finally come across a beautiful building. It's a very grand and elegant building. With spiral shells and tall towers, resembling a castle.

Deuce points to the building. "Hey, check it out."

"That's it, yeah?" Ace asks. "The Atlantica Memorial Museum?"

"Myah!" Grim points to the guards. "Look at all these guys with fish tails instead of legs!"

There's two guards standing in front of the museum entrance. The have sharp looking tridents at their sides.

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