An Audience With The Princess

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The ghost collapses to the ground. "Goodness me, you're much better than I expected. I can see your suit is serious. I permit you an audience with the princess. You may pass!"

The boys walk into the school and make their way into the cafeteria. Eliza turns around to face them. "Are you the ones who seek my hand?"

"There she is!" Jack whispers. "So that's the Ghost Bride who nabbed Idia."

"I appreciate you coming all this way, but I'm afraid I have to apologize. You see, there's this lovely man named Idia, and we've already promised ourselves to each other."

Eliza puts her hands to her chest and sighs dreamily. "He's tall, with an air of nonchalance... His skin is luminous, his lidded eyes dignified. Oh, and he has the most charming smile that he reserves just for me. His hair is so vibrant it burns! And he's got the loveliest lips, which are a color I've never seen before."

Eliza spins in a circle. "He's positively dashing. Perfect in every way!"

Trey adjusts the rim of his glasses. "Weirdly, I can't say that description DOESN'T match Idia."

"Your attentions flatter me, but compared to my darling Idia, you're-"

"Obviously superior!" Both Leona and Vil say.

Jade shakes his head. "Looks like they've lost sight of our objective."

"Oh well, if you INSIST. Fine, I suppose I can see if any of you are fit to be my husband." Eliza points. Let's start with you, the rugged one with the cute ears."

"You're talkin' to me, right?" Leona smugly steps forward. "Okay, yeah, hey. I'm Leona Kingscholar. Go ahead and test me. I'm your guy, guaranteed."

Eliza clears her throat and starts to sing. "Would you believe how long I've waited?"

Leona's smirk changes to a look of confusion. "Uhhh..."

"I've waited for so very long!"

"What's going on?"

"For a glimpse of that tender smile... From youuuuuu!"

Leona brings a hand to his head. "I'm so lost."

Eliza tilts her head in thought. Leona glanced over his shoulder at the boys. "Why's she burstin' into song? Is choosing one of us too much for her?"

Eliza narrows her eyes. "You're out!"

She slaps Leona across the cheek, leaving a red mark.


"Why did the ghost suddenly slap him?" Sebek asks.

Eliza folds her arms, glowering at the lion. "Unbelievable. A princess was singing right in front of you, and you wouldn't even join her for a duet! You're no prince at all!"

"Eesh," Jack runs the back of his neck. "And Leona's the only actual prince in our group..."

"Next!" Eliza points. "You there, with the pretty blond hair."

Vil steps forward with confidence in his every step. "Hey there. The name's Vil Schoenheit."

"All righty." Eliza clears her throat and sings again. "Would you believe how long I've waited?"

Without missing a beat, Vil sings the impromptu duet perfectly. "Waiting for me all this time!"

"I've waited for so very long!"

"My feelings won't steer me wrong!"

"For a glimpse of that tender smile..."

"From youuuuuu!" They both finish.

Seven's eyes widen. "Is he actually SINGING ALONG with some random ghost tune none of us have heard before?"

Jade nods. "And harmonizing perfectly, I might add."

Vil charmingly smiles at the ghost and holds her hands in his. "I could serenade you forever. That's the least I could do for someone whose love I seek."

Eliza smiles brightly. "How very charming! Now, what's your dog's name?"

Vil quirks an eye. "Why are you asking about dogs? For one thing, I live in a dorm. Of course I don't have a dog-"

"You're out!" Eliza slaps Vil and leaves a red mark.

"Oww! I don't believe this! Have you ANY inkling how valuable my face is?"

Jack smirks. "Ah, there's the Vil we know."

Floyd laughs. "Anybody'd break character if they got turbo-slapped like that."

Eliza folds her arms. "You're no prince in MY book if you don't have a big dog who'll come running when you whistle for help."

Trey shakes his head, running a hand through his hair. "She's got a very narrow view of what princes are. Leona? Vil? You two okay?"

Leona and Vil stay frozen in their spots, not moving a muscle. Trey tilts his head. "What's wrong? You're both freezing up. Did she slap you that hard?"

"I can't move!"

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