A Cultural Fair

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You open your eyes to find your not in your bedroom. You're in a large, grand room. A large mirror catches your eye. With a gasp, you realize it's The Dark Mirror.

This isn't the Mirror Chamber. What is it doing here?

The doors open and you quickly dart behind a column. A beautiful woman walks in. She wears a royal purple cloak with a white collar. A large golden crown is atop her head.

She approaches the mirror. "Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?"

The mask materializes. "A lovely maid I see. Lips as red as the rose. Hair black as ebony. Skin white as snow."

The woman snarls. "Snow White!"

The world around you shifts and you're now by a well. Looking around, you guess you must be outside a castle.

"This is a wishing well, as rumors tell."

Turning around, you see a girl looking into the well. She is incredibly beautiful and matches the description the mirror gave.

This must be Snow White...

The girl continues to sing. "It's only fitting that I make a wish. May I find joy in true loves kiss."

A boy appears beside her and sings along with her. Matching her song perfectly. Guess that ghost bride was actually right about that.

Snow White startles and backs away from the stranger.

"Hello. Did I frighten you?" He asks.

Snow White runs into the castle. They boy tries to chase after her. "Wait! Wait, please. Don't run away. Now that I found you, hear what I have to say."

Snow White appears on the balcony. The boy walks up the steps and sings. "I pour my heart into this song. My feelings for you could never be wrong."

He continues to sing and Snow White listens, completely love struck. A flash of purple catches your eye. Looking up, you see the woman from before watching through a window with rage in her eyes.

Ripples fill your vision and you feel yourself being pulled away. The last thing you see is the woman shutting the curtains as everything fades to black.

You open your eyes. There was a beautiful woman glowering from a window. Something about that her feels familiar...

Grim wakes up beside you, shivering. "Brrr, it's freezin' in here! Y'think they'd let me take my blanket with me to school?"

"Uh, probably not..." You only half pay attention.

You stand from the bed and stare at the mirror. It's not lighting up like it did last night. It only shows your puzzled expression.

"Hm? What's up, Y/N?" Grim crawls to the eye of the bed, tilting his head. "You're starin' hard at that mirror. If you're worried about bedhead, don't be. You look fine. Now let's get to class."

You shake your head. "Right."

After getting dressed, you put on the bracelet Leona gave you. The gold shimmers in the light. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you nod with satisfaction.

"Alright, Grim. Let's go."

You pull your jacket tightly, feeling the cold seep into your bones. You walk down Main Street and meet Deuce and Ace by the statues of the Great Seven.

Ace waves cheerfully to you. "Morning, Y/N and Grim. How's it goin'?"

Deuce smiles when he sees you. "Good morning, you two. It's pretty chilly today, huh?"

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