An Arrow Invitation

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The next day, you're walking down the hall after finishing your history class. Ace lugs extra papers with him. "Trein caught me napping in Magic History. Now I've got extra homework!"

Grim grumbles. "He's using a sleep spell on us so he can load us up with more work. I just know it!"

"I put rubber band on my wrist to keep myself awake." Deuce holds up his wrist. "Any time I start to get sleepy, I pull it back and snap it."

Ace shakes his head. "That seem kinds drastic. Oh yeah, on another note... Isn't today the day they're announcing who passed the SDC auditions?"

"It's almost lunch break, and we ain't got any news." Grim folds his arms.

Deuce rubs his neck. "If we haven't gotten anything yet, do you think we're out?"

"Maybe we just need to give it more time..." You suggest.

As you take another step, something whizzes past you. It was so close, you could feel the air shift around it. With a thunk, it lodges itself into the wall.

You jump back. "Holy...!"

"Wh-what was THAT?" Ace ask in shock. "What just flew by?"

"It's an arrow..." You pry the arrow out of the wall.

"Myah! An arrow?" Grim hides behind your legs. "What if there's an assassin out for our blood?"

Ace scoffs. "Where do you think we are? Wait, hold up." Ace takes the stops from you. "This arrow's got a note tied to it."

"Say what?" Deuce's eyes widen. "Is it a challenge?"

"You need to stop assuming everything's a fight." Ace rolls his eyes. "Let's see here... Thank you for taking part in the Song & Dance Championship auditions. The following two students have passed our rigorous screening process... Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade. Please report to the Pomefiore ballroom after school today... Wait, what?"

"... We passed?" Deuce asks no one in particular.

"Oh my god..." You bring your hands to cover your mouth. "I think you guys just did!"

Deuce runs a hand through his hair. "Th-that means we got selected for the ensemble, right?"

"What else would it mean? Sweet!" Ace pumps his fist in the air. "Now we don't have to help the housewarden!"

"Mrooow! What about me?" Grim asks indignantly. "My performance was top-tier!"

"Ah, hold up." Ace looks to the note. "There's more. P.S.: To Yu of Ramshackle Dorm. We have news for you, so please report to Pomefiore with the two addressees. ...That's it."

You tilt your head. "Why would they need me? I wasn't apart of the audition."

Deuce shrugs. "I guess we're all heading over to Pomefiore after school."

Grim's shoulders slump. "Mrow... My four thousand cans of tuna..."

When school ends, you and the two boys stand outside of the Pomefiore dorm. Deuce rubs the back of his neck. "I guess there's going to be more dancing and singing training for the selected ensemble members."

"Well, yeah." Ace rolls his eyes.

"I'm still sour that I lost to you two." Grim growls.

You scoop Grim into your arms. "Aww, you poor Grim."

"Hey, guys!"

Turning around, you spot Jamil and Kalim approaching.

"Oh, hey. It's Kalim and Jamil." Grim waves a paw. "What are you guys doin' here?"

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