Alarming Abductions

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The boys try to fire spells at the intruders but they easily dodge with their quick moving hoverboards. They counterattack, sending string blasts of magic with their spears. The boys struggle, clearly outmatched.

"They're really struggling..." Epel observes.

"Those oar-looking staffs can churn out spells real quick!" Deuce exclaims.

One of the intruders fires a spell at Vil, striking him in the chest. He falls to the ground unconscious.

"Vil!" You cry out. You try to rush over to him but Deuce holds you back.

"Subject E subdued. Securing now."

The intruder approaches the fallen Vil but Rook steps in. He fires a spell but with a powerful swing from the intruder's spear, Rook is sent flying across the room. The other intruder sends a spell at Jamil and the boy falls unconscious as well.

"Jamil!" Kalim shouts.

"We've also secured Subject D. Tetra Team has captured F. We will rendezvous then return to HQ."

The intruders pick up Vil and Jamil, carrying them over their shoulders.

"Where are you taking them?" Kalim shouts as they leave. "WAIT!"

"Tetra Team has regrouped with Hepta Team."

The intruders leave through the large hole in the wall. You and the rest of the boys gather near where the window used to be. You watch as another person on a hoverboard joins them, holding something in their hand.

"What in tarnation?" Epel exclaims. "They're haulin' a cage. Wait, ain't that..."

Your breath catches in your throat. "Grim!"

Grim tugs at the bars caging him in. "LEMME OOOUT! GET ME OUtTA HEEERE!"

Grim's eyes meet yours. "Y/N!"

"Mission complete. Returning to HQ."

The intruders start to fly away with your friends. The boys race outside.

"They're taking 'em away!" Epel takes out his pen. "HEY! GET BACK HERE!"

Deuce quickly follows suit. "Hold on Grim! We'll save you!"

"Dude, Vil JUST told us to stay back!" Ace runs after him, rolling his eyes. "OH, FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD!"

Ace pulls his pen from his pocket and fired a spell. The spell hits the back of one of the intruders though it didn't do much. The people in armor glance back at the three boys. They lower themselves back to the floor. The three boys face off against the intruders. You stay behind, knowing that without Grim, you wouldn't be much help.

The intruders fire spells at the boys and they dodge out of the way. They counterattack but the spells that hit the intruders only bounces off their armor. The intruders fire a spell that hits all three of the boys, causing them all crumble to the floor.

"Guys!" You rush over to them, kneeling down. "No, no, no... please be okay..."

Ace weakly clutches his side. "Didn't... stand a chance."

The people in armor take off again. You watch helplessly as they leave with your friends.

"Lemme out! I don't wanna go!" Grim holds a paw out of the cage, reaching for you. "Y/N!"

"Grim!" You cry out.

You stand up to race after them but a pair of arms wraps around you. Glancing up, you see Kalim holding onto you tightly.

"No! Let me go!" You pound your fists against his chest. "I have to stop them! I have to save Grim!"

Kalim only holds you close. You crumble against his chest, tears falling down your face. "They just took them... and I couldn't do a thing to stop it."

Kalim lets out a shuddering breath. "I know, Y/N. I tried but I couldn't stop them."

Rook clutches his side as he joins beside you. "Kalim. Y/N, we must tend to our injured freshmen. I will take them to the infirmary."

You look to where the intruders disappeared, stepping out of Kalim's hold. "But... but what about-"

"You must calm yourself, Y/N." Rook places a gentle hand to your shoulder. "We must help those we can first."

"I'll go summon the other housewardens!" Kalim is about to rush over when Ace stops him by grabbing his ankle.

"Called...Housewarden Riddle... but he didn't... pick up." Ace collapses to the ground.

Your eyes widen. "Does that mean..."

Kalim's eyes widen. "...oh no."

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