The Headmage's Cheer

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The Mirror Chamber was filled with students, all carrying luggage bags for the trip home. Deuce looks around in surprise. "Wow, it's already packed with students going home."

Ace lets out a laugh. "They all look so antsy. Now then, where's that headmage?"

"All right, everyone. Announce your destination to the Dark Mirror and keep a tight hold on your belongings."

The crowd of students part and you can see Crowley. But you're shocked to see he's in a t-shirt and a sun hat. "If you let go for any reason while in transit, your luggage will get spirited away elsewhere. If you have any possessions you absolutely cannot afford to risk losing, send them by post from the school store."

Deuce and Ace stare in shock. "He's in total party mode!"

"Wearing an aloha shirt in the middle of winter?" Ace folds his arms. "He's obviously ready to go on a tropical vacation!"

Deuce glowers at the Headmage. "He's not even trying to hide it."

Grim marches over to Crowley. "Hey, Headmage! We gotta talk!"

Crowley smiles and waves. "Why, hello. What brings your merry little band here?"

"Uhh..." You pick up Grim and hold him close. His paws dangling over your arms. "Have you planned for our food situation over the break?"

Crowley nervously laughs, adjusting his collar. "Ahhh, yes! Of course I've planned for it! What kind of headmage would I be otherwise? Why, I was just about to make arrangements online to have food delivered to you!"

Grim narrows his eyes. "In other words, you were gonna leave us to starve. I'm guessin' you ain't even tryin' to find a way home for Y/N, either."

"How rude." Crowley puts his hands on his hips. "I most certainly am. In fact, I'll be spending the winter break expanding my investigation area to a tropical land I've never visited before. That's how deeply my diligent streak runs."

Ace quirks a skeptical eye. "You don't look dressed for an investigation to me."

"What he said!" Grim vigorously nods. "You look ready to go soak up the sun!"

The Headmage puts an indignant hand to his chest. "How could you suggest that? I've only clad myself in appropriate attire for my venture. When in a foreign land, do as the locals do. Escaping winter's frigid bite to kick back in a hammock and sip coconut juice while gazing at the tranquil ocean waves..." Crowley clears his throat. "I have NO such refined and indulgent vacation plans whatsoever, I assure you."

Deuce shakes his head. "What an incredibly specific denial..."

Grim folds his arms. "It ain't fair for you to have all the fun! I wanna go on a tropical vacation too. Take us with you!"

"What? But that would spoil my delightful getaway from-" Crowley stops himself. "This investigation will be dangerous. Yes, very dangerous. Best that I handle it alone. Besides, I'd much prefer if you stayed on campus. I have a critical job for you, as a matter of fact. It's so critical, the very survival of Night Raven College hinges upon it."

You roll your eyes. "Here we go."

Ace chuckles, nudging your shoulder. "Should've seen that coming."

"Should you take on this job, your holiday provisions will be provided in full." Crowley continues. "I'll even arrange for a holiday feast. Roast turkey, pie, a ham as big as your head... In fact, I'll throw in some piping hot spare ribs and mashed potatoes to sweeten-er, salt the deal. What do you say?"

Grim's eyes light up. "Mrah! Sounds like a one-way ticket to a food coma! I guess I'll hear you out, at least."

Ace shakes his head. "Dude, you are a born sucker."

"The fires in our campus cafeteria and fireplaces are all furnished via fire fairy magic." Crowley informs. "They've lived in the cafeteria fireplace for many years... But if we don't supply them with dry firewood every day, they will fade away. Should the fire fairies disappear, our whole campus would be gripped with cold every winter."

Deuce puts a hand to his chin. "You know, I've wondered how the school stays so warm without central air."

Ace tilts his head. "So it was magic. Kinda obvious in hindsight."

Crowley nods. "Normally, our kitchen ghost takes over fire duty during extended school breaks. But this year, his daughter had a baby, so he's visiting the netherworld to see his first grandchild. Thus, I would like you two to handle things in his absence."

You sigh. "Okay. If that's what it takes to get food..."

Crowley smiles. "Yes indeed. Plus, someone needs to handle fire duty if you want to stay warm over the holidays. Just by throwing firewood into the fireplace every day, you'll stay both warm AND well-fed. That is, as we say, two birds with one stone. Oh, what a generous deal!"

Grim puts a paw to his chin. "Y'know, this does sound like kind of a gimme compared to the usual messes you dump in our laps."

"Doesn't it, though?" Crowley puts a proud hand to his chest. "You would be surprised at just how kind I can be. Oh, and since I'll be away for a while..."

Crowley holds out a clawed hand. "Here, hand me your phone."

You take your phone out of your bag, handing it to Crowley. The Headmage starts adding in his number. "You can use this to call me in the event of any emergency. It is to be used ONLY for emergencies, mind you." He hands you back your phone. "Now then, if you'll excuse me, I have many students to transport home to their families. I'll leave the rest in your capable hands. Ah, I'd better make certain to peruse some tourist pamphlets before I set out. Goodness gracious, I'm so very busy..."

"Myah ha ha!" Grim cheers as he leaps from your arms. "Now I get to chow down on a fancy feast over the holidays!"

"I still get the feeling you just took a sucker's deal," Ace shrugs. "but hey, whatever floats your boat."

You look to the ceiling, running a hand through your hair. "Why do I always have to get roped into everything?"

Ace laughs, putting a sympathetic hand to your shoulder. "You're just special that way."

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