Pomefiore Endnote

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Vil visibly shakes. "No..."

"Whoa!" Kalim exclaims. "Vil, hold it together!"

Deuce steps closer to the shocked boy. "Steady, sir! Here, hold onto my shoulder."

Vil ignores them, he clenches his fists and narrows his eyes. It looks like Vil is about to explode. You gently place a hand to his arm.


The boy relaxes, you're seemingly the only one able to keep him calm. Vil places a hand over yours and holds it tightly.

Ace throws a glare at Rook. "Are you nuts, Rook? Why did you vote for Royal Sword Academy?"

"I don't believe you!" Epel shouts. "Why'd ya do somethin' so boneheaded?"

"I told you." Rook states. "I simply couldn't lie to myself. Neige's group believed in themselves and each other when they danced and sang. When I saw them up there, they struck me as powerful... and as the fairest of all in that exact moment."

Vil lets go of your hand and runs a hand through his hair. He turns away from Rook, not wanting to look at him.

Rook slowly approaches him. "Vil. Nobody should believe in your beauty more than you yourself. It is most becoming, the way you maintain such rigid self restraint while polishing yourself to triumph over your rival. But as long as you lack conviction, no amount of validation from the rest of the world will ever leave you fulfilled. Even if you wind up old, emaciated, grimy, and stooped over."

Rook places a hand to Vil's shoulder but he shrugs it off. Vil walks away to stand closer to you.

"If you were to truly believe that you are the fairest of all despite that, even the Magic Mirror of legend wouldn't contest your claim." Rook continues. "The strength and pride to believe in yourself is what marks the true fairest one of all. Roi du Poison. Fair Vil. I implore you to believe in yourself more than anyone else. Beauty is always with you. At this exact moment, you are the fairest one of all."

You softly smile. "Everything he said is true, Vil. So until you can do it for yourself, just know that I will always believe that you're amazing."

You gently wrap your arms around Vil. Him being used to your hugs by now, returns the gesture. Vil holds you close, letting out a shuddering breath.


The sound of footsteps races towards you. Vil pulls away and is surprised to see Neige rushing towards him.


The raven haired boy comes to a stop. "Vi, I've never seen you cry outside of an acting role before."

Vil looks away and uses a hand to wipe away the tears. "Well, you caught me at a bad time." He sadly chuckles. "I'm always second to you."

"Maybe that's what the numbers said." Neige takes a step closer. "But you guys gave an amazing performance that nobody else could have pulled off. Sure, I took first at the competition. But your group is number one in the hearts of everybody who voted for you."

Neige smiles brightly. "So c'mon, Vi. Don't cry!"

"The Roi des Neiges is right." Rook agrees. "Your smile is far more becoming than your tears, Vil. Here. Take my handkerchief."

Vil takes the handkerchief from Rook. "Thanks."

Neige looks to Rook. "Ah, you're the one who flagged me down before opening time. Your name is Rook, right?"

"Oui. My apologies for rushing you."

"You're 'R', aren't you?" Neige tilts his head. "The one who comes to every single one of my meet-and-greets and writes me letters?"

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