A Uniformed Session

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   About two weeks later, you and the boys gather in the ballroom. The Headmage is there to observe your first dress rehearsal. Thankfully he didn't pop out of nowhere and give you a heart attack again. Vil claps to get everyone's attention.

   "We're down to one week until the Sond & Dance Championship." Vil states. "Starting today, we'll be doing rehearsals in full costume."

   Ace gestures to his clothes with a hand. "You mean in our school uniforms?"

   Rook waves a hand. "Precisely. After all, we are representing Night Raven College when we take the stage."

   "That, and school uniforms are ideal attire for a boy band that projects a youthful image." V adds. "Naturally, these are specially tailored uniforms that stretch to accommodate dance moves. You can thank the headmage for having them made."

   Crowley grins at himself. "Oh, think nothing of it. It's a small price to pay for massive school publicity." Crowley coughs into his hand. "I mean, you boys deserve the freedom to dance to your fullest!"

   Kalim shrugs. "I would've liked costumes with a little more razzle-dazzle, personally."

   Jamil rolls his eyes. "It's not our call to make."

   Vil claps again. "Enough chitchat. We're going to do the full song from top to bottom."

   "Yes, sir!" The boys all stand in position.

   "I'll start up the music." You hit play.

   The boys start dancing practically perfect and their singing has improved immensely over the last couple weeks. You have no idea what Deuce and Epel did when they were out, but whatever happened, it seemed to help them improve.

   When the song ends, Crowley applauds them. "Marvelous. Simply marvelous! You're all in such perfect sync! I knew I made the right call putting Schoenheit in charge of production. An ultra-trendy song, sharp dance moves, incredible singing, and highly thematic lyrics... I give it top marks across the board!"

   Vil smirks. "But of course. What do you take me for?"

   "What I've always taken you for." The Headmage grins as he starts pacing. "A leading global talent-no, correction-the housewarden of Pomefiore, our campus's most historic and beautiful dorm. The SDC is a musical recital. We won't know what songs the other schools have chosen until the day of. But you have a level of polish that makes you worthy of being called top contenders."

   Crowley turns to Vil. "Schoenheit. NRC. Defeat Royal Sword Academy and prove your beauty to the world!"

   "Yes, sir!" Everyone shouts.

   Kalim leans to you to whisper. "The headmage seems very enthusiastic about this whole thing, don't you think?"

   Jamil scoffs. "Knowing him, he probably thinks it would be a huge publicity boost if we won."

   "Oh, yes." Crowley riffles through his pockets. "I have something for you all."

   Crowley hands you a couple of tickets. They're black with shiny, gold detailing. You run your finger across the words on the ticket.

   "Tickets for the competition?" You look to the Headmage.

   Crowley nods. "Tickets to the SDC remain hot commodities every year. I've used our status as the host school to reserve a small handful of affiliate seats. You can give them to your friends and family."

   Kalim eagerly examines his tickets. "Ooh! Thanks, Headmage! My mom and dad said they'd rented out a few movie theaters for the event back home. They'll be holding a live viewing with all the household staff and family."

   "My little sister said she'd be visiting for the culture fair." Jamil hums. "I suppose I could give her one. Though it does make me a tad nervous knowing family will be watching."

   "And on that note, don't let me keep interrupting your practice. I'll be taking my leave now." Crowley waves as he walks out of the room. "Break a leg, everybody."

   Grim smirks. "Lookin' at these guys now, it's like all the struggles we saw at first never even happened."

   You smile happily. "I'm getting really excited for the competition. I think we may actually win!"

   Grim snores loudly on the bed.  You're careful not to wake him as you walk to the mirror. You examine the mirror closely but there's nothing out of the ordinary. You sigh.

   Nothing odd in the mirror today, either. Maybe I really did just dream about Mickey.

   Out of the corner of your eye, you spot green, firefly-like, lights floating around outside. You pull on your jacket and quickly slip on your shoes, making your way outside.

   You can see your breath as you close the door and step onto the snow covered path. You see a familiar figure standing by the tree.

   "Hello, Hornton." You wave as you approach him.

   Hornton smiles when he sees you. "Greetings, child of man. It's been some time. I trust all is well?"

   "Yeah, everything has been pretty good around here for the most part." You let out a small laugh.

   "I'm glad to hear it. It's good to see you in high spirits." Hornton's cat like eyes seem to glow in the cold night.

   You think back to when Lilia have you the card. He said it was from a special somebody.

   "Were you the one who sent the holiday greeting card?" You ask him.

   Hornton slightly blushes. "That's right. I did give a card to Lilia to send. I never received a reply, though. You've surmised correctly."

   "Oh, I'm so sorry. I wanted to send a thank you note but I never knew who to give it to." You pull out a folded paper from your pocket. "But I'm so glad I caught you today. I made this for you."

   You hold your hand out and his fingers linger on yours as he takes the paper. Hornton unfolds the paper and reveals the drawing. The sketch was of him standing on a balcony with the wind blowing wisteria flower petals all around him. You don't know much about Hornton but you thought this drawing made him look nice at least.

   "My, you got quite the talent now, Y/N." Hornton glances back to you with a smirk. "You really have no idea who I am, do you?"

   You shake your head. "Nope."

   He chuckles. "Well, no matter. I appreciate the drawing you've made for me."

   You smile warmly. "I'm glad you like it. I also have these tickets if you'd like them." You hand Hornton the tickets to the competition. "You can bring a friend too."

   He delicately takes the tickets from your hand with wide eyes. He stares at the tickets as they shimmer in the dim light.

   "Are these tickets to the show they're putting on at this year's culture fair?" He looks to you with surprise in his eyes. "Are you actually inviting me?"

   You nod. "Yeah. You're one of my friends so of course I'd invite you."

   Hornton stares into your eyes. He starts laughing softly but it quickly escalates louder. "You truly have no fear at all. Very well. I shall accept your gracious invitation. Will you be in it?"

   "No." You rub your arm. "Vil calls me the manager but I'm mostly the errand runner."

   He slightly frowns in disappointment. "Oh, so you're just the team manager? Pity. But Schoenheit and Asim will be in it?"


   "That should be quite the spectacle." Hornton chuckles. "I'll look forward to the festival."

   Hornton takes your hand and places a gentle kiss along your knuckles. "Have a good night, now, Y/N."

   He smiles at you one last time before vanishing into a burst of light. The fireflies disappear soon after. You hum to yourself.

   I think I just made his day.

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