Sailing in The Skies

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You feel the wind blowing across your face. You cling to Kalim, too scared to look. Kalim holds you close with an arm wrapped around you securely. He places a hand under your chin and gently raises your head so you look at him.

"Hey, it's okay." He smiles kindly. "I won't let you fall."

Starring into his eyes, you feel that you can believe him. You finally look at your surroundings and what you see steals your breath away. You fly above the clouds, giving you a perfect view of the glittering stars overhead.

Grim pears over the edge. "We're really flyin'! This is crazy high up! Look how teeny the dorm looks from up here."

Looking behind you, you see the Scarabia dorm does indeed look small from this high. It looks more like a toy than a palace.

Kalim chuckles, nudging you with his shoulder. "How do you like the world above the clouds?"

You stare at the stars in awe. "It's like an endless diamond sky."

Kalim laughs. "That good, huh?"

You tear your gaze from the sky to Kalim. "I've never seen so many stars before. It's like a whole new world up here."

Grim closes his eyes and grins as the wind blows through his fur. "This totally rules!"

"There's nothing quite like soaring through the sky." Kalim sighs. "It shows you how little all your troubles really matter in the grand scheme of things. Of course, Jamil always says I don't worry enough about things as it is... It wouldn't hurt him to take life a little easier."

You smile. "Maybe you both could learn from one another."

Kalim smiles broadly, rubbing the back of his neck. "You're probably right."

"Mrow!" Grim points at the ground. "Check out that river over there!"

"Ooh, good eye." Kalim says. "Let's go take a closer look!"

The carpet flys lower until you're barely skimming above the water. Grim excitedly wags his pitchfork tail.

"Myah!" Grim exclaims. "There's fish in the river!"

You shake your head. "Please don't tell me that you're going to try and catch one."

Grim smirks as he looks over his shoulder at you. "Why pass on the chance for free food?"

"Do you even know how to catch one?" You ask quizzically.

Grim shrugs. "How hard can it be?"

Grim wiggles his hindquarters, getting ready to strike. As a fish swims by, Grim swipes at the water. His momentum causes him to loose his balance and splash into the river.

Grim resurfaces and flails in the water. "Myah! Someone save me!"

Kalim laughs. "Hold on, we're coming."

The carpet turns around. Once Grim was in reach, Kalim reached down and grabs the drenched cat. Grim sputters as water drips off him.

"You probably should've seen that coming, Grim." You hid your giggles.

Grim shoots you a glare. "I almost had it! It was bigger than me too!"

Kalim laughs and ruffles Grim's fur. "I'm sure you could've caught it."

Grim only grumbles a response.

Kalim reaches into the water and grabs a jasmine flower floating down the river. Kalim places the flower behind your ear.

"You look like a beautiful diamond in the rough." Kalim says as he smiles at you.

You shyly smile and look away, feeling a blush creep along your cheeks. "Thank you."

Grim shakes his fur out, splashing water on you. You raise an arm to shield yourself. "Grim! You're getting water all over me!"

Grim only rolls his eyes. He flops down on the carpet and stares ahead. Kalim laughs. "Come on! There's still so much to see!"

Kalim holds your hand as the carpet shoots up into the sky. You laugh as you burst through the clouds. Never noticing a figure watching from the one of the dorm balcony's. He folds his arms and a hood covers his narrowed eyes.

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