A Desert Paradise

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Jamil leads you and the Scarabia students down the hallway leading to the Hall of Mirrors. Jamil still holds your hand.

"So, why're you guys stayin' on campus over winter break?" Grim asks.

"Well..." Jamil glances over his shoulder at his dormates. They all grow quite. "It's a bit of a long story."

"Oh," You tilt your head in concern. "Is everything okay?"

"It was the housewarden's orders." A student whispers. "Everybody in Scarabia has to stay..."

"We can't go home even if we want to."

Jamil shushes them. "Don't go into it. We brought this on ourselves as it is." Jamil smiles to the students. "Now, let's get this food back to the dorm before it gets cold. Scarabia's got the warmth of summer year-round." Jamil looks to you. "I think you'll enjoy a taste of the tropics there."

Grim fist pumps the air. "Woo-hoo! Now that's what I call paradise! C'mon, Y/N!" Grim runs down the hallway.

"Whoa, Grim." You laugh. "Slow down!"

"I'm sure the housewarden will be delighted to have you as visitors." Jamil gently tilts your head to meet his gaze. "Would you care to come over?"

You feel your cheeks redden as you stare into his charcoal eyes. "I'd love to."

Jamil smiles. "What a pleasure it is to know you'll be coming to see us, Y/N. Now then, Scarabia awaits."

Once you step out of the mirror, the heat immediately hits you. You start to heat up in your jacket. You take it off and tie it around your waist. The dorm looked like a palace with tall columns that rise into the air with large domed roofs. In front of the castle was a large fountain filled with crystal blue water.

"So this is Scarabia Dorm." Grim wipes his brow. "It really is sweltering like it's summer over here!"

"This place is beautiful." You say in awe.

Jamil smiles appreciatively. "I'm glad you like it."

Jamil leads you inside the dorm. The inside was just as extravagant. The lounge filled with textile prints and gold accents. There's a large rug with soft cushions to sit or lay on. The room has large arches opening out to the balcony. Thin, red curtains sway in the gentle breeze as natural light from the balcony flows into the room.

Jamil claps. "Boys, we have guests! Play some music to make them feel at home."

The Scarabia students all cheer as they lay out all the dishes they've made into a long table. A couple students pick up instruments and start playing.

Grim twirls around in excitement. "When you get as famous as us, I guess people fall all over themselves to get in your good graces."

"I don't know about that..." You try to say to Grim.

Jamil places a hand to your back. "Please, go on. Eat while it's still hot."

Grim immediately rushes to the table. "Don't mind if I do!" Grim starts wolfing down various dishes. "Mmm, this's good stuff! It's got a rich flavor, with a powerful kick of heat... This veggie stir-fry with crunchy nuts is great. Oh, and so are these fried dough ball things!"

You cringe at the glutinous cat. "At least try to slow down, Grim."

Jamil laughs. "We have meat dishes and soup as well. Please, help yourselves. There's more where that came from."

Grim lets out a satisfied sigh. "Y'know, with a veritable buffet like this in front of us, this really IS paradise!"

The doors leading further into the dorm burst open. "What is all this commotion?"

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