Group Infiltration

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You walk down one of the long halls in the school during your lunch break. Deuce, Jack and Ace walk with you with Grim perched on your shoulder.

"Finding a way to tear up an unbreakable contract?" Ace grins. "Sweet! It's def underhanded, but hey."

Deuce nods. "That approach does seem like it would have a far better prospect of working. I have to agree with Ace here, though."

Grim glowers at the two. "Aw, shaddup! If we stick to our morals, we'll be stuck with morays!"

"That, and Azul's group cast the first stone." Jack folds his arms. "They told us to get a photo from under the sea, fully intending to thwart us at every turn. Leona may play dirty, but he's a brilliant playmaker. I think his idea's worth a shot."

Deuce rolls his eyes. "Can we maybe not say the same thing over and over?"

Grim holds his arms as he shivers. "Just remembering those twins chasin' us around in the water gives me the shivers!"

Deuce kicks at the ground. "If only blastcycles worked underwater. Then they would've been eating my dust!"

Ace puts his hands on his hips. "Uh-huh. Suuure, Loosey-Deucey."

Deuce lightly shoved Ace in the shoulder. You can't help but giggle at their sibling-like rivalry.

Ace puts a hand to his chin in thought. "So... Mermen, huh. The Leech brothers are morays; I get that part. Is Azul like them when he's under the sea?"

"I remember Leona referring to him as a cephalo-punk, for what that's worth." Jack informs.

"As in, cephalopod?" Deuce asks. "So is he, like, an octo-merman?"

"Myah!" Grim cries out. "If he got a bunch of legs in the water, he'd be even more dangerous than the morays!"

Jack shakes his head. "No kiddin'. Which is why we're trying to brainstorm an approach that doesn't involve fighting them on their own turf."

You nod. "Right. And our first job is locating the contract scroll."

"That vault in the VIP room did stand out like a sore thumb." Jack grins.

"Great! There's our angle." Grim rubs his paws together. "Let's sneak into Octavinelle right now!"

"Nobody should be there on lunch break before the lounge opens." Deuce excitedly takes your hand. "Let's go."

You creep into the Mostro Lounge, trying to be as quiet as possible. Grim walks in and sniffs the air.

"The coast is clear." Grim runs to the VIP room. "Okay guys, follow me!"

You all cautiously step to the door. You open the door a crack, not seeing Azul or anyone in the room. Jack's ear twitches, trying to detect any movement.

"Looks like you were right." Jack confirms. "There's not a soul in sight."

You and the boys step into the room. Ace and Deuce immediately go to the safe. You turn around to face Jack.

"Jack, let's have you stand watch and tell us if anyone is coming." You tell the wolf.

He nods and stands by the door, opening it a crack to keep watch. Deuce stands in front of the safe to examine it.

"The vault's double-locked. It needs a passcode and a key."

"Oh, come on." You run a hand through your hair. "Why can't anything just be easy?"

"Shoot!" Jack whisper yells. "Someone's coming!"

Ace's eyes widen. "Ah, crud. Quick, hide!"

With nowhere else to hide, you all cram behind the desk. Deuce and Ace squeeze against the side of the desk while your back is pressed up against Jack. You sit between his legs with Deuce tangling his own legs with yours as Grim clings to Ace's shoulder.

"So... cramped." Ace is practically pushed against the desk. "Jack, why you gotta be so big?"

Jack narrows his eyes. "Wanna say that again?"

"Everyone, don't move!" You whisper to the group.

You hear the door click open and footsteps walking in. You cover your mouth, daring yourself not to breathe. You hear the footsteps getting closer. Jack wraps his arms around you, as if to shield you from incoming danger. You hear a laugh, recognizing it as Azul.

"Now then..."

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