The Perfect Prince

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   "Please, will you marry me?"

   "Don't bother lookin' at any other guys. Marry me!"

   "Would you give me your hand in marriage?"

   "Mon trésor, I implore you to allow me to be your eternally devoted love."

A Few Hours Earlier

   You and Grim walk down one of the halls in Ramshackle dorm. You carry cleaning supplies in your arms while Grim kicks at the ground.

   "This stinks! I don't wanna do a buncha lousy cleanin'!"

   You sigh. "The sooner you stop whining, the sooner it gets done. You agreed to the coin toss and lost, so you have to help."

   Grim pouts. "C'mon, one more game, double or nothin'-"

   "Now see here!"

   You jump at the sudden voice. Grim arches his back, his fur standing in end.


   A ghost materialized. He wears a white uniform and a hat with blue feathers and a sash.

   "What are you filthy vermin doing here?"

   Grim relaxes. "Oh, it's just one of our usual ghosts..." Grim narrows his eyes. "Wait, no it ain't. This one's sportin' a totally different getup."

   "This domicile is the princess's guesthouse. Outsiders are strictly forbidden!"

   "What princess?" Grim glowers at the ghost. "And what's this do-mi-seal stuff you're jabberin' about? Fling those fancy words around all you want. This is MY dorm, meanin' YOU'RE the outsider, bub!"

   "How patently absurd." The ghost floats closer to Grim. "This manor has belonged to our nation LONG before you rapscallions were born. I'll have to give you a sound drubbing if you refuse to leave!"

   Grim smirks. "Oh yeah? There's two of us and only one of you."

   Two more ghost appears next to the first ghost. Grim's smirk vanishes. The ghosts float towards you. You scoop Grim in your arms and back up.

   "You just had to say something." You roll your eyes at the cat.

   The ghosts all chase you down the stairs and to the foyer. You run out the door with the ghosts shaking their fists at you.

   "And stay out!" The ghosts slam the door and lock you out.

   Grim leaps from your arms. "We just got ousted from our own dorm... What in the name of tuna is goin' on?"

   You scratch your head. "They were talking about a princess?"

   Grim puts his paws on his hips. "Hey, Y/N! We gotta find the headmage and get him to evict those ghosts!"


   You meet with the Headmage in his office. He puts a clawed hand to his chin. "A gaggle of ghosts in white hats took over your dorm and kicked you out?"

   "That's right!" Grim throws his paws in the air. "They just showed up and started actin' like they owned the place! Spoutin' off some hoity-toity gobbledygook about a princess too."

   "A princess?" Crowley's eyes light up. "Ah, now I see! Your dorm was unoccupied before this year so I didn't address the matter, but... I suppose it's that time of year again."

   "What do you mean, again?" You tilt your head. "Do you know something about this?"

   "The ghosts who so unceremoniously ejected you from your dorm are the Ghost Bride's retainers." Crowley explains.

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