A Spelldrive Fight

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   You enter the Savanaclaw dorm and are immediately surprised. This dorm isn't a fancy castle like the others but it looks like a mountain has been carved into a grand building. Large animal skulls and bones scatter throughout the sandy ground.

   "Huh... So this is Savanaclaw." Deuce puts a hand to his chin in thought.

   "Whoa, did they carve this place into a mountain?" Grim marvels in awe. "And check out these huge bones! I wouldn't wanna meet whatever animal they're from."

   "Couldn't be less like Heartslabyul." Ace folds his arms.

   "No kidding." Cater agrees. "Even the air here feels so... primal. It's like we've left the bounds of civilization."

   "So what's this Jack guy look like?" Ace asks.

   "Apparently he's got wolf ears, silver hair, and a big, bushy tail too." Cater informs.

   You tilt your head, feeling like you've seen him before. Grim looks around.

   "A big, bushy tail... Wait, you mean like that guy runnin' laps over there?"

   "Whoa, good eye!" Cater says to the cat. "There's no way that's not our boy."

   You look to the boy they're staring at. You recognize him from the cafeteria when Trey and Cater told you about the different dorms. You see Jack running along the dorms spelldrive arena.

   Ace's eyes widen. "And I thought those twins were big! This guy's HUGE!"

   "No wonder all the scouts are after him." Cater plays with a strand of his hair.

   Deuce nods. "With that build, he'd be an asset on any team."

   You and the others walk towards the wolf. The closer you get the smaller you feel. "He's a little intimidating up close."

   "Don't worry, hon! Cay-Cay's got your back." Cater wraps an arm around your shoulders. "I won't let the big bad wolf bite you."

   You smile appreciatively at Cater. Grim puts his paws on his hips. "Hey, you! Mr. Scowls-a-lot!"

   Jack turns to Grim surprised. "Huh?"

   "Just wanted to let ya know somebody's probably gonna try and hurt you." Grim smirks. "But don't worry, Grim the Great will protect you!"

   "What?" Jack scowls at Grim. "Look, don't bother me when I'm training."

   Ace rolls his eyes, sighing and scoops up Grim and clamps a hand over the cats mouth.

   "THAT'S your approach, Grim?" Carter asks. "I can't even count all the ways that was terrible. If you were on Magicam, I'd totally unsubscribe from your feed."

   Grim glowers at him. "Mmmph! Mmmmmph!"

   "Sooo sorry about that, Jack." Cater turns back to the wolf. "Listen, king, could we have just a minute of your time?"

   Jack looks at all of you confused, his gaze lingering on yours for a moment. "What's all this about? You said you wanna protect me from something?"

   "A lot of Spelldrive tournament hopefuls have been hurt in accidents on campus lately." Deuce informs.

   Ace gestures to himself with his thumb. "And we're trying to figure out who's behind it."

   Jack folds his arms, titling his head. "Go on."

   Cater takes a step closer. "To put it bluntly, our plan is to stake out some of the criminal's prospective targets. What do you say? Will you give us a hand in catching this guy?"

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