A Giveaway Effect

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   You open your eyes, hearing what sounds like laughter. You sit up, realizing you're on a tall rock with a sheer drop next to you. Peering over, you see hundreds of hyenas gathered below. All of them look up to a lion that's also on a rocks edge across from you, looking down at them. This lion is more lithe and has a black mane. A scar goes over his eye.

   "The world is about to be turned upside down. A shining new era in near."

   "And where do we fit in?" A hyena calls from the crowd.

   The lion only smirks. "Just listen. We're going to take out Mufasa and his son, and then I will be king!"

   The hyenas all cheer. "Alright long live the king!"

   "Long live the king!"

   "Long live the king!"

   "My fangs and ambitions are bared!" The lion shouts above the hyenas cheer. "So be prepared!"

   You feel the pull tugging you back and the ripples fill your vision. You close your eyes and feel yourself falling back onto your bed. You open your eyes and sit up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.

   Why did he want to be king so badly?

   You get up from bed and get dressed in your school uniform. Grim runs into the room.

   "Oh Y/N, you're up? Breakfast is gettin' cold! Let's go eat already!"

   You and Grim walk down Main Street, Grim walking like a cat beside you.

   "By the way, did you go somewhere last night?" Grim asks you. "I got up to warm up some milk. Was gonna see if you wanted some but you weren't there."

   "Oh, that's right. It was the weirdest thing..."

   After explaining your encounter to Grim, he nods his head.

   "Huh." Grim tilts his head in thought. "A weird dude with horns? Did this dude have a name?"

   You shrug. "He told me to call him by a name of my choosing."

   Grim hops up and down, raising his paw in the air. "Ooh, ooh, let me pick it! Howsabout... Hornton!"

   You laugh, shaking your head. "I don't know that he'll appreciate that one."

   Grim hops onto your shoulder. "He said of your choosing, right? Then he's got no right to complain!"

Grim smiles. "If Hornton's a student here, who knows when we might run into him? If we do, introduce me! I ain't never seen a human with horns before."

   "Okay, if I spot him again I'll let you know."

   You come up to the status of the Great Seven, Cater and Riddle waiting for you. Cater smiles and waves upon spotting you.

   "Mornin' Y/N."

   You wave back. "Good morning guys."

   "Hm. Your tie is crooked, you know." Riddle says.

   Looking down, you realized you didn't do the best job at tying it this morning. "I guess you're right. I was never good at tying this thing."

   Riddle walks up to you, adjusting your tie. "A disorderly uniform suggests a disorderly dorm. As prefect, you should set a better example for your dorm members. Even if you only have the one."

   You blush, realizing how close Riddle is to you. He looks to you and your eyes lock for a moment. You feel mesmerized by his bright red eyes. Riddle clears his throat, looking back to your tie.

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