Last Minute Rushing

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   A few days later, you're back in the gym to practice for the audition. Ace looks around as he stretches. "I've been seeing a lotta dudes rehearsing the audition number in the gym over lunch break."

   "Those chumps better not be after the prize." Grim growls. "Nobody takes my tuna!"

   "I suspect more of them are after a potential pro debut than prize money." Jamil states.

   Deuce nods. "Now that you mention it, they do all seem like they're in their element."

   "Don't let them intimidate you. You've also made great strides with your singing ability." Jamil smirks. "It's a far cry from when you started out sounding like a panicked elephant."

   Kalim smiles broadly. "Mm-hm! You've also gotten better at holding a note. Vocal training isn't easy, and you put in the work. You all deserve a pat on the back! Now, let's get back to it. Today we'll focus on doing the whole song from start to finish!"

   "Yes, sir!"

   You hit play and the music starts. Jamil and Kalim stand in front of Deuce and Ace.

   Jamil glances over his shoulder. "Now, let's see how far you've come. Try to follow me and Kalim as much as you can."

   "Don't you dare mess up today, Deucey-boy." Ace taunts.

   "I know." Deuce looks forward in determination. "I'll show them everything I've learned!"

   "There you go getting all serious again." Kalim laughs. "You gotta loosen up and have fun!"

   As the boys dance to the music, you notice they have significantly improved since they started. Once the song finishes, they end it off with a pose.

   "Woohoo!" Grim cheers. "We got the final pose down pat!"

   "How did we do, Jamil?" Deuce asks.

   "Well, you kept up with the music. Not bad." Jamil smiles. "You've down well in such a short amount of time. Congratulations."

   Kalim slings an arm around Ace and Deuce. "Yeah, you can do it when you put your minds to it! Great job!"

   Deuce pumps his fists. "Yes! I pulled off the whole dance without missing a step! And I didn't blank out on any song lyrics, either."

   "Myah ha! Same." Grim runs in a circle excitedly. "I didn't step on my own tail once."

   "I have to hand it to you, Jamil." Ace grins. "It's no small feat to teach guys with such awful memories how to boogie. And in such a short time frame!"

   "What he said!" Kalim laughs. "Jamil makes everything super easy to understand. It's helped me a ton over the years."

   "You make an excellent tutor, Jamil." You smile at the boy.

   Jamil blushes and clears his throat. "Let's not make this about me. You've got all the basics under your belt now. From here on out, you're on your own. Keep practicing for the audition."

   Kalim puts his hands on his hips. "Guess we'll be rivals on audition day, huh? I'll still keep my fingers crossed for you guys!"

   "Naturally, I don't plan to lose either." Jamil smirks.

   Ace folds his arms and quirks an eye. "Cocky much? Then again, I've got the same idea."

   Grim smugly grins. "My dulcet tones and smooth moves are gonna leave the judges spellbound!"

   "Jamil, Kalim, thank you both for your generous help!" Deuce smiles to the two.

   "Oh, yes," Jamil tilts his head. "Have you applied for the audition yet?"

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