Sands Getting Hotter

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You open your eyes to see your back in the Scarabia room. You groggily sit up and stretch. That parade was something else.

Grim mumbles in his sleep. "Mrah... I don't want any more of your moldy crackers... Myah."

You giggle. "Oh, you poor Grim."

The door slams open, startling Grim awake. You place a hand over your heart, trying to calm down.

"How long are you two going to sleep?" One of the Scarabia boys states. "On your feet, now!"

"Mrow?" Grim looks around, confused. "What now? Wait, it's only 6 a.m."

"We're marching ten kilometers to the eastern oasis!"

Grim folds his arms. "You expect us to trudge that far through sand that's hard to walk on as it is? Why should we?"

"Because the housewarden said so." The boy marches in and yanks Grim by his scruff. "Now stop whining and come on!"

"Myaaah! I don't wanna! Get your paws off'a me!"

The boy drops Grim and walks out the room. You shake your head and stand up from the bed. You open the wardrobe to find something suitable for the dessert heat. You find a Scarabia uniform and decide to change into it.

It looks similar to Jamil's with the cropped jacket and a sleeveless hoodie. The difference in these were the jacket had sleeves that cut off at shoulders and the hoodie was a maroon color that matches the black jacket perfectly.

With a nod of satisfaction, you and Grim meet up with the others. Everyone gathers outside in front of the dorm. You stand on the outskirts awkwardly, not knowing anyone here. You feel a tap on your shoulder and you turn to see Jamil.

"Oh, good morning Jamil." You smile kindly.

"Good morning, Y/N." Jamil looks you over. "I see you decided to wear our dorm uniform."

You shyly rub your arm. "Yeah. I figured this would be better for walking in the desert."

Jamil gives you a small smile. "It suits you perfectly."

You feel a blush forming on your cheeks. "Thank you."

You feel a thump in the ground, like something big was walking towards you. You see Kalim riding atop an elephant.

He stops in front of the gathered group. "Now march to the eastern oasis! This will help strengthen your legs. If I see anyone break formation, they'll be punished later!"

The elephant starts walking and the boys follow him with downhearted expressions.

Grim groans. "How'd I get dragged into this?"

"Less talking, more marching!" Kalim shouts. "Move out!"

You walk side by side with Jamil. Grim begrudgingly marches besides you. Even though it was early in the morning, the sun was blazing hot. You were thankful for the light clothes you were wearing.

"I guess Kalim hasn't changed this morning." You say.

Grim scoffs. "Tell me about it."

Jamil shakes his head. "I'm sincerely am grateful for your help, Y/N. I don't k ow what I'd do without you."

"Oh, I don't know about that." You shyly look to the ground.

Jamil chuckles. "Well, I'm still glad you're here."

You continue marching. The sun has climbed further and only got more intense. You wipe the sweat from your brow, trying to catch your breath. Grim collapses to the sandy ground.

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