Lounge Shorthanded

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You and Jack walk into the Mostro Lounge to find it packed with students. Almost every seat is occupied and those with anemones run around in a rush. Taking a good look around, the place actually looks really cool.

"No wonder people like to hang out here." You say. "It's actually pretty classy."

Jack looks around suspiciously. "Remember, you're in enemy territory here. Stay sharp at all times."

You nod. You feel an arm wrap around your shoulders, pulling you away from Jack. Looking up, you see Floyd grinning at you.

"Eyyy, Little Shrimpy! Glad you could make it!" Floyd tilts his head, glancing at Jack. "I see you've got a sea urchin plus-one."

Jack pries you away from Floyd, glaring daggers. "I told you not to call me that!"

Jade steps next to his brother. "Well, well. Thank you for coming to our establishment so promptly. Welcome to the Mostro Lounge. Is this your first time dining here?"

"Y'know, I've been wondering since lunch..." Jack twitches an ear. "Do you have a thing for askin' questions you already know the answers to?"

Jade chuckles. "I like to keep my bases covered. Now then, if you would allow me to provide you with a rundown of our establishment..."

Jade gestures with a hand. "The Mostro Lounge is a meeting place for gentlemen. Any quarrels with other dorms are verboten here. Students from all dorms are expected to abide by Octavinelle rules on the premises. We pride ourselves on providing a place for everyone to enjoy under the same set of rules. With that out of the way..."

Jade smiles to you. "How may I assist you today?"

"I'd like to speak to Azul, please." You answer.

Jade laughs. "Very well. The manager is currently meeting with another patron. Could I ask you to wait in the lounge until such time as his schedule opens up?"

Jade takes your hand and leads you to an empty booth. You take a seat on the plush couch and Jack sits next to you.

Jade smiles and hands you a drink menu. "And lest I forget, our establishment has a one drink minimum. You must order at least a single beverage of some variety." Jade snaps his fingers. "Sea anemone, if you could take our esteemed customer's order?"

"Sorry, I've got drinks to run." Deuce says, holding an empty drink tray.

"You do it!" Ace snaps. "We're slammed over here! You keep making us do all the work while you're just sittin' pretty over there."

Floyd walks over to the two. "You're talking back to me? How impressively bold for a sea anemone."

Floyd grabs both of their anemones and tugs hard. Ace and Deuce cry out.

"OWWW! Geez!"

"Quit tugging our anemones!"

Jade's smile never leaves his lips. "Azul tasked me with instructing the new staff, so it falls to me to instill proper discipline in those who fail to respect authority."

"Ow ow ow ow ow!" Deuce winces. "Okay, okay! I get it!"

You stand from your seat. "Hey! Stop it!"

Jade turns back to you, taking your hand in his. "Ah, but you must understand. As I just finished explaining, here in the lounge, everyone must follow our rules."

Floyd grins. "And according to the rules, we're allowed to squeeze problem employees who don't do as they're told!"

Jack scoffs. "You're just makin' a show out of hazing the rookies in front of us. It's making me sick."

Jade tilts his head. "Is that your way of offering to take their place helpin' out around the lounge?"

Ace perks up. "Ooh, that's a great idea! I second that proposal!"

Jack folds his arms. "Absolutely not! I'm not about to save your sorry necks."

You step forward. "I'll help."

Jade places a hand on your shoulder. "We wouldn't want you to run yourself ragged before you get to meet Azul, now would we?"

Under Jade's intense stare, you sit back down. Jade smiles. "Wonderful. Now I'll leave you in these two's capable hands."

Jade and Floyd walk away to attend to the rest of the lounge. Ace steps up to your table unenthusiasticly. "So what can I get ya?"

You sheepishly rub the back of your neck. "Uhh, I don't have any cash on me."

"Don't worry." Jack says to you. "I'll take care of it."

"Oh, you don't have to." You put a hand in Jack's arm. "I don't want you to pay for me when you didn't have to be here in the first place."

Jack shrugs. "I said don't worry about it. I can pay if I want to."

Ace rolls his eyes. "Just order already."

"We're on a busy schedule here." Deuce adds.

"Oh, uhm..." You glance at the menu, feeling a little overwhelmed by all the different options.

"We'll just have the most popular drink." Jack hands back the menus.

Ace takes the menus, sighing. "Coming up."

Deuce and Ace leave your table and rush around the busy lounge. You smile at Jack. "Thank you."

Jack quirks an eye. "For what?"

"You didn't have to help me at all and yet," You smile warmly at the wolf. "Here you are, continuing to help me."

Jack stares into your eyes before looking away from you, rubbing the back of his neck. "Don't think too much about it."

You nudge Jack with your shoulder. "We make a pretty good team."

Jack smiles. "Yeah, I guess we do."

You and Jack converse the whole time you wait. Jack listens to your every word, glad to have a moment alone with you. Jade and Floyd finally come back to your table. You spot Azul walking with them.

"My apologies for the wait." Azul says to you. "The VIP room is ready now. Right this way, if you would. Jade. Floyd. Get our customers some tea."

"Right away, sir."

The twins bow and walk away. Azul holds his hand out for you to take. "Right this way."

You stare up at him, hesitantly placing your hand in his. Azul smiles and leads you to another room. Azul smirks to himself, glad that his plan worked to get you back here.

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