To The Dwarfs Mine

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   "Maaan... How did I end up in this mess? I swear, I have the worst luck." Ace complained.

   You shoot Ace a glare. "You're telling ME that?" The four of you are in the Mirror Chamber, getting ready for your search for the magestone. Grim is still laying in your arms recovering from his fall.

   "We don't have time to complain. Let's go." He turned to the mirror in front of you. "Dark Mirror! Take us to the Dwarfs' Mine!"

   The glass in the mirror ripples like a drop of water fell into it. A bright light shone from the mirror. The light surrounded you and you feel yourself being pulled into the mirror. You feel your feet hit soft grass inside of the hard floor of the Mirror Chamber. The light subsides and you find yourself in a forest only lit by the light of the moon.

   "So this is the Dwarfs' Mine. Long ago, this mine was flush with magestones." Deuce commented.

   "Urgh," Grim looked at his dark surroundings. "Who knows what lurks in there now?"

   "Look, I can see a house." Ace pointed to a little cottage. "Let's see what the people there have to say."

   Your group makes your way to the house. Even though it looks in a state of disrepair, you'd gladly take this than the house you had to live in. You knock on the door.

"Hello, anybody there?" You called. No answer.

   Deuce knocked a little louder. "Hellooo? Is anybody home?" Still no answer. "Must be empty. It looks like it's been abandoned." He opens the door and you walk in.

   "Bwah! I got a spider web on my face! Ptchoo! Ptchoo!" Grim furiously rubs his face trying to free himself from the web.

   "Oh, sorry Grim." You help clean his face.

   Ace looks around the small house. He points at a chair. "Look how tiny these desks and chairs are. Did children live here? One, two... Seven! It's like a clown car in here."

   Deuce nodded. "When the mine was flourishing, this house must have been a lively place."

   Ace scoffed. "Well, this isn't getting us anywhere. If we're gonna find a magestone, it'll be inside the mine. Let's head inside and take a look."

   You all leave the tiny house and make your way to the entrance of the mine. If you thought the forest was dark, the cave was even more so. The rocks were lined with moss and it was eerily quiet. You pull Grim closer to you, suddenly feeling very nervous.

   "You wanna go inside THERE?" Grim shook his head vigorously. "It's pitch black!"

   Ace smirked at Grim. "What, are you scared of the dark?" He scoffed. "Pathetic."

   Grim shot Ace an indignant look. "Myah?! I'm not scared of anything! I'm taking the lead. You all follow me!" Grim jumped from your arms and walked confidently towards the cave.

   You shake your head. "Do you always have to take the bait Grim?"

   Ace laughed. "It's just to easy."

   The three of you follow Grim into the cave. The further in you walk, it only got ever darker. Beautiful red, blue and green gems sparked in the dim light. Grim's confidence falters with every step. He scampered up to your shoulders and cowered underneath your hair. Feeling just as nervous, you step closer to Deuce beside you. Noticing, he takes your hand and squeezes gently. Feeling more relieved, you press on. Ace couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy as he saw you. Why couldn't you be next to him?

   Deuce stopped walking all of a sudden. You paused right beside him and Ace, not noticing, crashed into your back.He grabbed your shoulders to steady the both of you. Ace threw an annoyed look at Deuce.

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