Until we Meet Again

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   You managed to get past the ghost and into the school. Your running down one of the hallways to reach the cafeteria.

   Epel fires a shot behind him. "We got through the gate, but those ghosts just keep reviving!"

   "Don't stop now!" Says Ace. "We gotta get to the cafeteria. That's where the wedding's-"

   "Watch out!" Riddle steps behind you and deflects a spell casted by a hidden ghost.

   Ace's eyes widen. "Housewarden!"

   "That was close!" Epel wipes the sweat from his brow. "That attack would've hit us if Riddle hadn't deflected it."

   The ghosts glower at your group. "What a petty trick!"

   "We won't let you scoundrels ruin the princess's wedding! We'll capture you soon enough!"

   Riddle steps forward and glares back at the ghosts. "You have some nerve, talking about ruining things when you're the ones who seized our school."

   A ghost backs up. "My word. He has such a tremendous presence despite his small stature!"

   "Don't back down! We'll show him how terrifying ghosts can be!"

   The ghosts circle around Riddle, cutting him off from the rest of you.

   "The ghosts are circling Riddle!" Epel cries out.

   Without looking back, Riddle waves a hand. "Leave me! I'll hold them off. The rest of you go and make sure the operation succeeds."

   "But there are so many ghosts, and only one of you!" Counters Epel.

   You take a step but are held back by Rook. "Riddle!"

   Riddle glances at you over his shoulder. "We're in this mess because of me. I'm taking responsibility for it." He gives you a reassuring smile. "You don't have to worry about me. Just who do you think I am?"

   Ace puts a hand to your shoulder. "He's right. Our housewarden's got it in the bag."

   You look to Riddle one last time. You nod your head. "Okay. We have to believe in him."

   Riddle grins. "That's the spirit. Until we meet again, then."

   Inside the cafeteria, the ghosts are all lined up as Eliza gets ready to walk down the isle. The boys are all seated at a table, still frozen.

   "Ahh, I get to walk down the aisle like I've always dreamed of..." Eliza swoons. "And with my perfect prince. I'm finally getting married!"

   Idia stands at the alter, still tied to the stand. "Idia attempts to flee..." He refers to himself in the third person. "But his body is numb all over and he can't move! Looking for healer! I don't have any skills that remove debuffs!"

   Deuce groans as he tries to moves. "If only I could unbind myself!"

   Puffy throws a glare at the paralyzed boys. "Would you stop squirming? This is a sacred ceremony. Our princess's wish is finally coming true! She's a pure and noble soul who's harbored this dream since she was young. And tonight, at long last, her loving heart will join with her perfect prince. Nothing could be better..." Puffy looks to the ground sadly. "Such a joyous occasion."

   A couple ghosts burst into the room. "We've got a problem!"

   "What's going on?" Puffy asks.

   "Some rascals got through the gate! They're barreling toward the wedding hall and tearing through our troops!"

   "What did you say?" Eliza whirls around angrily. "Just who are these rude wedding crashers?"

   "A short boy with red hair, one with a heart mark on his face, another with delicate features, and a blond boy with a bob cut! And a girl is with them too!"

   Trey's eyes widen. "That would be Riddle, Ace..."

   "Epel, and Rook..." Vil adds.

   Jack's ears perk up. "And Y/N! You see? We could've muscled our way in from the start!"

   Azul quirks an eye. "What happened to stealing the bride's heart, I wonder?"

   Leona rolls his eyes. "If I'd known how this was going to go, I'd have gone for the strong-arm approach too."

   Carter chuckles. "I'll bet you all a bread roll Riddle snapped first."

   Floyd bursts out laughing. "I could totally see that! Count me in. I'll throw in two bread rolls, Seabream."

   "It's not a bet when you're on the same side, you know." Jade tries to inform.

   "Can't argue with that!" Says Carter.

   Everyone starts laughing like they're having a good time. Idia can't believe what he's seeing. "My life hangs by a thread and you're all joking around?"

   Some of the ghosts rush out the door. "We can't allow anyone to spoil the princess's big day!"

   "The intruders must be apprehended!"

   You and the others climb the stairs as the ghosts continue to chase you.

   "Hold it right there!"

   "The retainers just keep multiplying!" Epel shouts.

   "They're most serious about this." Rook agrees. "They've awaited this wedding for five hundred years, after all."

   Ace groans in frustration. "They're a nuisance, that's what they are!"

   "A nuisance, you say?" Rook tilts his head. "I suppose. But don't you find their fervor admirable?"

   "I'm too busy running from them to admire them!" Ace glowers.

   "We all have things we won't yield. I know quite well what it means to fight for such a cause. In fact..." Rook glances to you. "My desire to protect you all is just as fervent."

   Rook whirls around and fired a shot at a ghost hiding above you. The ghosts are shocked.

   "Our archer is down!"

   "He was lying low, waiting to get the perfect shot. But they saw him anyway!"

   Rook smiles. "But of course, monsieur. Nothing in the world can hide from me." Rook glances back to the rest of your group. "May I bid the rest of you go on without me?"

   "What?" Ace protests. "If you were as good as our housewarden, maybe, but there's no way-"

   Epel nudges Ace to keep moving. "Ace, let's go!"

   Ace looks to Epel. "You jumped on that real quick!"

   "See the look on his face?" Epel points.

   Ace looks back to Rook. "What about it?"

   Rook steps menacingly down the stares, causing the ghosts to back up. He chuckles as he tilts his head. "I've long wondered how one would hunt a ghost! You have no bodies, but would you solidify if I used magic on you? Or would you disperse like a mist? Could I trap you in a bottle?"

   The ghosts start to get nervous. "This guy's creeping me out!"

   "Oh, how my hunter's blood sings when I'm faced with an unknown quarry!" Rook grins.

   "Protect us?" Ace scoffs. "Yeah, right. He's like a kid in a candy store!"

   "Exactly." Epel nods. "Rook'll be just fine. I hate to say it, but he's way stronger than either of us."

   Grim starts running up the stairs. "I'll admit he's strong, but I don't wanna go anywhere near him!"

   You all run up the stairs. Ace turns to you. "Rook's kind of an odd duck, huh..."

   "Just keep going!" You say back.

   You look to Rook one last time. He smiles and blows you a kiss. "Take care of them, Y/N. For my part, I think I'm going to have a most pleasant waltz with these ghosts."

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