Thwarted by Heart

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After Jamil dragged Kalim away, you and the Octavinelle boys met back in your room. Floyd sits next to you on the bed while Grim sits in your lap.

Azul turns to Jade. "Good work, Jade. Did you have your talk with Kalim?"

"Yes, sir." Jade nods. "It was just what you expected. It's likely that Kalim is being magically mind-controlled by someone who is making him do these things."

Grim's ears perk up. "Mind control?"

"Someone's making him do these things?" You wonder out loud. That sounds familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

"Is that even possible?" Grim asks.

"You know how Ruggie has magic that manipulates the body?" Jade looks to the cat.

Grim glowers. "How could I ever forget that he stole my grilled cheese!"

You roll your eyes. "You have got to get over that, Grim."

"Food grudges are forever!"

"There's also hypnosis magic that takes control of a target's mind." Jade continues. "But it requires a far higher degree of skill and magical power than its bodily counterpart. Which means very few magicians are capable of using it."

"You gotta have skills and power on par with Azul for that." Floyd adds.

Azul brings a hand to his chest. "Even I would be hard-pressed to control living creatures with their own egos like humans."

"But I don't think anybody in Scarabia is half as good as you, Azul." Grim tilts his head. "Even their own housewarden Kalim's big signature spell is just a glorified waterspout. And their vice housewarden Jamil was sayin' he got fives across the board outta the ten-level grading scale."

Azul shakes his head. "I wouldn't be so sure. You know what they say, a clever hawk hides its talons."

Floyd looks to his brother. "So who's mind-controllin' Sea Otter, and why?"

Jade shakes his head. "I'm afraid I couldn't get any answers there."

"You couldn't figure it out?" Floyd asks. "Even with your signature spell?"

"Wait wait wait." Grim waves his paws. "Come to think of it, we've never seen Jade's signature spell. What's it do?"

Jade shoots an annoyed look to his twin. "Floyd, what have I told you about blurting out the details about my signature spell in the presence of others?"

"I don't see the harm in disclosing this to Y/N and Grim, actually." Azul says. "Knowing a signature spell's function wouldn't make a magic-bereft human any more susceptible to it than they already are."

"Thanks." You say sarcastically.

Grim scoffs. "So it's harmless 'cause WE'RE harmless. Great. That makes me feel waaay better."

Jade sighs. "Well, if I must. My unique power is one that would make most people guarded around me if they knew what it did. So I'm not a fan of revealing it, but my signature spell is called Shock the Heart. It can be used once, and only once, on a target to make them tell the truth."

"Myah?" Grim's eyes widen. "So they wouldn't be able to lie?"

"Mind you, it can only be used once against a given target." Jade continues. "Once I use it on someone, I can never use it on them again. And it often doesn't work at all on people highly resistant to magic, or wary types like Azul. It's only effective on those with loosely guarded minds, or people in a moment of mental vulnerability. Hence, my signature spell is very limited in scope."

Floyd grins. "It works great on guys who're cowerin' in fear or bawlin' like babies, though."

Jade chuckles. "So it does."

Grim leans in to whisper. "The way they smile scares the daylights outta me."

"Anyway, Kalim has always been the type to open up to others. Thus, my spell worked on him flawlessly. Yet, even so..."

Jade tells you about what happened in the treasure room.

"I'm going to ask you some questions, and you will answer them honestly." Jade's eyes shines. "Do you know the name of the student using hypnosis magic on you?"

"I do."

Jade leans in closer. "And what is his name?"

"I can't say. I must never tell anyone. I made a promise long ago. So I can't say."

Jade hums. "I see. Alright."

Kalim shakes his head, broken from his stupor. "Huh? What was I-"

"Thank you, Kalim." Jade smiles. "You've helped clear the air a great deal."

Kalim tilts his head. "I have? I don't know what you're talking about, but, uh, I'm glad you're satisfied!"

"Indeed I am, friend."

Jade finishes telling the story. Azul starts laughing. "Hilarious. Your signature spell was thwarted by Kalim's strength of character."

Jade closes his eyes. "As much as I hate to admit it, that is an accurate assessment."

"And here I thought Sea Otter would sing like a canary." Floyd chuckles. "Just when you think you know a guy!"

Jade brings a hand to his chin. "It must have been a promise he keeps close to his heart."

Azul lets out a small laugh. "Yet that same unwavering conviction has laid bare the truth behind the unrest in Scarabia. All that's left now are the finishing touches. It's time to catch this culprit by the tail and pull him out of the sand where he's lurking. I have a plan."

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