A Show of Benevolence

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Outside the Scarabia dorm, the boys who chased you stand by the door. "I still can't believe the Ramshackle pair fled to Octavinelle."

"And they stole the magic carpet. If the housewarden were to find out about this..." He groans. "What do we do?"

"I think we'd better take this to Vice Housewarden Jamil to start with."

"Hello, gentlemen."

The two whirl around and see Azul approaching. "Mind if we pop by?"

   Floyd uses his fedora to fan himself. "Good GRAVY, it's hot here. Feels like the middle of summer."

"You're the Octavinelle guys who gave us a thrashing last night!"

   "What do you want with Scarabia?"

   Azul places a hand to his chest and bows his head. "Permit me to apologize for what transpired last evening. It looked as though you were bullying defenseless animals."

You roll your eyes.

"I stood up for them on the spot, out of the goodness of my heart. But after I heard their story, it became clear to me that the two Ramshackle residents were thieves who had made off with Scarabia's magic carpet. Once I realized my mistake, I took personal responsibility for the matter. I apprehended the criminals..."

   Azul slings an arm around you. The twins tied a ribbon that matches your Scarabia outfit tied around your hair. Grim has a similar ribbon atop his head.

   "And I came here to return the magic carpet to its rightful owner." Azul gestures to Floyd who has the carpet rolled under his arm.

Grim growls in your arms. "It ain't fair, I tell ya..."

   The two look very confused. "Well, uh..."

   "Thank you for the... help?"

   "Guys. It's about time for morning training." Jamil walks down the steps leading to the dorm. "If you're late, Kalim will-"

Jamil stops short when he sees the Octavinelle boys surrounding you. Azul waves cheerfully with his free hand. "Why, Jamil! Hello there. How are you?"

   Jamil folds his arms, quirking an eye. "Azul Ashengrotto and the Leech brothers as well? What are you doing here?"

   "Our home isn't the most hospitable place in the wintertime." Jade answers.

   Floyd laughs. "So we spend our holidays in the dorm!"

   "By the way, where might Kalim be?" Azul asks. "I'm here to return his magic carpet to him."

"Uh," Jamil looks between you and Azul. "If you need to deliver something, I'll take it to him."

   Azul waves him off. "Oh, but I insist! This magic carpet is a legendary artifact on par with national treasures. If it were discovered to be damaged later, Octavinelle would be held liable. We can't have that, now, can we?" He grins. "I would prefer to hand it to Kalim in person and have him assess its condition firsthand."

   Jamil takes a step forward, smiling but has a challenging look in his eyes. "Kalim wouldn't care even if it was damaged. Let me take it off your hands, okay?"

   "Worry not." Azul steps forward, dragging you with him. "I won't even ask for my standard twenty percent finder's fee."

   Jade steps to your other side. "Consider that our way of apologizing for our uncouth behavior towards Scarabia last night."

   "We also brought a seafood pizza as a little present." Floyd adds. "You wouldn't want it to get cold, wouldja?"

   "The point is," Azul continues. "I would MUCH prefer to deliver it in person. He's awake by now, I trust?"

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