Inconvenient Vacation

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The Scarabia students lead you to one of the extra rooms for you to sleep in. The room itself was quite comfortable looking with a four poster bed, a large wardrobe, and a desk.

"Have a pleasant evening." The students close the door as they leave.

Grim narrows his eyes. "Maaaan, I TOLD you not to fall for Jamil's ploy! You know this is gonna be a whole debacle, Y/N. Why'd you have to sign us both up for it? This is Scarabia's problem. They can take care of their own business."

"I just wanted to help." You try to explain.

Grim throws his arms in the air. "Why do we have to always help?"

You rub your arm. "I don't know. I just thought I could be useful this way. So I'm more than just the magicless girl in the school."

Grim folds his arms. "Sheesh. You can't say no to anything! You're a real sap sometimes, you know that? Anyway, I've had enough of gettin' dragged into shenanigans. Let's give 'em the slip while we can and head back to Ramshackle Dorm!"

"I don't think this is a good idea, Grim." You try to say.

Grim waves you off and opens the door. "Okay, first we gotta get to the mirror connected to the school..."

Grim took a step outside and a bell rang from somewhere down the hall. Immediately a group of boys appear at the end of the hall.

"Hey! You think you can just leave the dorm?"

"For the duration of winter break, nobody leaves the dorm for any reason unless they've got the housewarden's permission. Period."

"Seize them!"

Grim sighs in exasperation. "Oh, for cryin' out loud!"

You scoop Grim in your arms and bolt to the other end of the hall. "I told you this was a bad idea!"

"After them! Hold it right there!"

You try to run faster, trying to put as much distance from the boys as you can. Grim looks at them over your shoulder. He sticks his tongue out at them.

You round the corner and slam into one of the Scarabia boys. You fall to the floor and your pursuers catch up to you. They grab you by the arms and haul you back up. One of them picks up Grim by the scruff of his neck. Grim kicks and swings his arms indignantly.

"Settle down and submit quiety, you grey little street rat!"

Grim glares daggers at the boy. "Grey I'll give you, but I ain't no street rat! LEMME GO!"

"Stop struggling! Back to your room with you!"

The boys drag you and Grim back to the room. They shove you inside, making you fall to the floor. The one holding Grim tosses the cat in next to you.

"Now stay inside and don't give us any more trouble!"

"Owww!" Grim hisses. "You don't gotta swing me around by the scruff of my neck!"

"Looks like the dorm patrol neglected to lock their room door." The boy rolls his eyes.

"You'd better not forget to do it this time! If the housewarden found out someone got away, can you imagine what he'd do to us?"

One boy groans. "No kidding..."

The ring leader looks back to you with a scowl. "Remember, any more funny business and you won't get off so easily next time!"

They slam the door and you can hear the lock click. Grim runs to the door and bangs his paws against the wood.

"HEY! Let me out!" Grim sighs and kicks at the floor. "The door ain't budgin'. We've been locked in."

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