Driven Determination

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You and the boys stand in one of the hallways in the colosseum. Jamil checks the time.

"Ten minutes to showtime."

"They'll be calling on us to stand by any moment now. Let's get backstage and-" Vil staggers and leans against the wall, clutching his side.

You rush over to him. "Vil! Are you okay?"

Rook places a hand to Vil's shoulder. "Are you certain you're all right, Vil?"

Vil nods. "I've taken a painkiller potion and covered up my scratches with makeup. I'll be fine."

Rook hesitated but nods. "Oui. If you say so."

"Vil, um..." Epel takes a breath. "Please let me take the center spot!"

Ace scoffs. "Epel, are you seriously dropping that on us at the last second?"

"Ace is right." Jamil folds his arms. "Why would we change it up right before we go on?"

Grim hops to your shoulder. "Fillin' Vil's shoes ain't exactly easy."

"But just look at Vil." Epel gestures with a hand. "He's barely vertical!"

Vil doesn't even deny it. You reach out and take Vil's hand. Though he doesn't show it, you can tell he appreciates the gesture.

"Vil, you said we had to win this, but what if you run out of stamina right on stage?" Epel continues. "I don't wanna see you embarrass yourself in front of an audience!"

Rook's eyes widen. "Monsieur Pommette..."

Epel stands tall. "I've kept my agreement with you. I've grown way stronger and more charming than when I first enrolled. I'm not just cute and sweet. I'm a legit poison apple now. I'll take Neige down. So please."

Vil smiles slightly and chuckles. "You've grown bold. Worry not, though. As long as the spotlight shines on me, I wouldn't leave the stage even were I to be struck by an errant boulder. I'm going to keep struggling to the bitter end. I won't lose hope in my victory." Vil smiles to you and squeezes your hand. "That's what real villains do. So give this villain a chance to stay on stage to the very last."

Epel nods. "All right. If you're really set on it."

"Do you even have room to worry about others, Epel?" Vil smirks. "You tend to start making mistakes as soon as you feel eyes on you. Have you forgotten the way you flubbed the hook at the audition?"

"H-hey!" Epel narrows his eyes indignantly. "You don't have to bring that up now!"

A film crew member rushes over to you. "Attention, Night Raven College entrants. It's almost time to go on. Please stand by!"

Vil stands straight and brushes off his clothes. "Well, this is it."

Ace grins. "Let's go bag ourselves a first place trophy, huh?"

"Yeah!" Deuce pumps his fists to the air. "I worked myself up so much earlier, I'm actually relaxed now!"

"Aw right! I'mma captivate those viewers' hearts!" Epel cheers.

Jamil nods. "Just do like we practiced. Don't worry. We'll do just fine."

Kalim smiles broadly. "You're right, Jamil. Let's make the most of this and have fun with it!"

Grim smirks. "Okay, you guys, listen up! My tuna bonanza is restin' on your shoulders. You better win this! You hear me?"

You smile brightly. "I know you guys can win!"

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