An Unhinged Prefect

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Riddle screams to the sky as an inky form takes shape behind him. It wore a tattered black and red dress. It's head was in the shape of a heart with a gold crown on top. Ink swirls around inside the heart shaped, glass head. It held a large rose bush with dark crimson roses.

Riddle's dorm uniform morphs into a black and crimson red outfit that was shredded at the ends. His skin became sickly pale with a black heart design over one eye. Ink drips down into his hair from the black crown that's placed upon his head and ink covers his arms.

You and the others step back from the sight of what Riddle has become. "What happened to him?" You ask no one in general. Deuce and Ace step protectively in front of you as Carter holds an arm out to shield you, his pen at the ready.

Riddle's chuckles turn into full maniacal laughter. It echoes all around you until it's all you can hear. "You are fools to defy me!"

Riddle waves his arm and the monster behind him waves the rose bush at the same time. "You are not welcome in my world. In my world, I am the law. I am order made manifest! The only response I will accept from you is yes, Housewarden Riddle. All who defy me will lose their heads!" Riddle continues his unhinged laughter.

Crowley puts a clawed hand to his face, looking fearful for the first time since you've met him. "Dear me, what have I done? I've allowed a student to overblot in my presence!"

Grim turns to the Headmage. "Overblot? What does that mean?"

Crowley shakes his head. "Overblot is a dangerous condition that mages must avoid at all costs. At the moment, he is overcome by negative energy, and has lost control of his magic and emotions."

"To put it in layman's terms," Carter jumps in, "he's in evil berserker mode!"

Trey comes to join you at your side. "If he keeps releasing magical energy, we could be looking at a loss of life here, his included."

Grim looks to Trey in shock. "Wait what?"

"The well-being of my students is my top priority." Crowley states. "Therefore, I must evacuate them immediately. As for Mr. Rosehearts, we must restore his consciousness before his magical energy runs dry. For as bad as losing him would be, there are scenarios that are far worse... Listen well, I need all of you to seek help from the other housewardens and members of the faculty."

"Hiiiyah! Take that!"

You whip your head to see Ace firing spell at Riddle. Deuce soon follows suit. They fire spell after spell at Riddle but nothing seems to work.

"I summon thee, cauldron!"

"What are you guys doing?" You yell out to the them.

Riddle glares at the two. "What do you fools think you're doing?"

Carter shakes his head. "Um, hello? 911? We've got an idiot emergency!"

Grim calls out to them, "You DID hear that part about how reeeal bad things are happenin' with him, right?"

Deuce fires another shot at Riddle and dodged the rose bush swung at him. "That's why we need to stop him now! I don't want that on my conscience!"

"And I'm not givin' up till I hear him say 'I was wrong and I'm sorry'." Ace teams up with Deuce to try to overpower Riddle but nothing seems effective against him.

Trey sighs, adjusting the rim of his glasses. "All right, let's do this. I can overwrite his magic for a little longer. In the meantime, do what you can! Headmage, please evacuate the other students!"

Crowley looks at Trey with shock in his eyes. "What? This is dangerous!"

"Are you S-R-S, Trey? You can't beat Riddle!" Carter shouts to Trey.

Ace glares at Carter. "So what, you're not even gonna fight unless you KNOW you can win?"

Grim ran to join the fight. "Yeah he's right!" Grim shoots a fireball from his mouth. "That's weak!"

"This is the only way we can think of to snap him out of this!" Deuce says determinedly.

"Yeah... I don't want to lose him." Trey joins besides Deuce and Ace. "There're too many things I've left unsaid."

You turn to Carter. "You guys need to combine your powers so you can stop Riddle!"

Carter nods then rushes forward to help the others. Crowley looks at the brave students, stunned, as they rush in to stop Riddle. Crowley looks to you.

"I'll be back as soon as I've gotten the students to safety. Stand firm until then!"

You nod as Crowley runs to help the rest of Heartslabyul escape. Looking back you see even with reinforcements, they aren't making much of a dent against Riddle.

Riddle glares at the attacking students. "Such defiance, from every last one of you! I shall take all of your heads!"

"Riddle's body can't take much more of this." Trey calls to everyone. "We need to stop him before it's too late!"

They dodge the giant rose bush being swung at them all while trying to fire spells at Riddle. The spells do nothing against Riddle and he only cackles at the futile effort.

Glancing around, trying to figure out what you can do to help. You spot a sharp rock. Without thinking, you grab the rock and throw it at the monster behind Riddle. The rock hits its glass vial head, causing a large crack to form. Black ink leaks through the crack.

The monster shrieks and Riddle cries out as well. The monster throws the rose bush at you. You jump and hit the ground right as the bush smashes into the spot you were standing in. The others rush towards you, Deuce and Trey help you stand up.

"What we're you thinking Y/N!" Ace yells at you. "You could've gotten seriously hurt!"

"But look!" You point to the monster who holds the crack on its face. Ink dripping between its hands. "We need to throw everything we got at the monster! That's its weak spot!"

Trey nods. "You're right. Come on everyone, let's give this our best effort yet!"

"Yes sir!" Deuce and Ace follow Trey and Carter back to fight monster. This time with a better plan in mind.

They fire spell after spell at the monster instead of Riddle this time. The monster backs away, hands shielding more cracks forming on its glass face. Grim shoots a fireball and it hits the monster square in the face.

Riddle cries out, sending a wave of red magic that knocks everyone over. "I am absolutely, positively right, beyond any possible shadow of a doubt! I have to be! Otherwise, what was any of it for?"

Your heart breaks for Riddle. He took the rules to the extreme because if he didn't think he had a choice.

With a final blow, the heart vial shatters. Sending black ink flying everywhere. Riddle screams as he collapses to his knees. The monster dissipates until all that's left is black ink. Riddle's hand cover his face as the ink crawls to him, clinging onto him.

You run over to Riddle, trying to get to him before the ink covers him completely. Sliding onto your knees, you take Riddle's hands in yours. A jolt of electricity shoots through you, making you look to the sky before everything went black.

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