Getting Together Late

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The early morning sun shines through the window, waking you up. You sit up and stretch your muscles. Grim is still digging in his corner. You're surprised that he actually broke through the tile.

"It took 'til morning, but I dug a hole big enough for me to fit two paws through."

"You actually did a good job, Grim." You pat his head. "I'm sure no one else would've done as good of a job as you."

Grim smirks proudly. "That's cause I'm a genius."

The door opens and one of the Scarabia boys walks in. Grim sits on the hole to hide his escape plan.

"Out, you two! It's time for morning training. We're marching to the oasis again!"

You sigh. "This will be another glorious morning."

You and the Scarabia students gather outside. Everyone is tired and still recovering from the last trip to the oasis. This time, you have to lead camels, only making the trip harder. Kalim rides atop an elephant again.

"Wake up and get a move on!" Kalim shouts. "To the eastern oasis! March!"

Everyone begrudgingly follows behind Kalim. You look around at the miserable boys. In our thundering herd we feel a lot like cattle.

Grim lets out a groan. "It's even harder to deal with the heat when I'm runnin' on no sleep."

Jamil walks beside you. "You're sleep-deprived? Make sure you drink plenty of water so you don't collapse."

Grim only nods, too tired to respond. You give a smile to Jamil. "That's really kind of you to care so much about others."

Jamil shakes his head. "Think nothing of it. I'm just trying to look out for my fellow classmates."

"I still think that's amazing." You gently bump Jamil's shoulder.

Jamil chuckles. "Thank you, Y/N."

Today's march is significantly harder than last time. Everyone is still exhausted from yesterday so having to do this walk makes it feel so much worse.

"You're taking longer than yesterday." Kalim calls out. "Hurry it up!"

The Scarabia students all groan. "I can't walk another step."

"I can see the oasis." Jamil says. "Respite is just ahead! Hang in there just a little while longer, everyone!" Jamil takes your hand and helps you walk to the oasis.

"Wow, he's still cheering us on after all of this."

"What a vice housewarden!"

Grim rolls his eyes. "Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm dead tired!"

You finally made it to the oasis. You sit down underneath the shade of a dried tree. Grim collapses next to you, wheezing. "I think I've got a whole desert's worth of sand in my throat. Kalim, gimme some water!"

Kalim whirls on Grim. "How DARE you take that tone with me."

Grim hides behind you. You flinch, bumping into Jamil.

"I am not your faucet." Kalim glares. "If you want water, draw it from the oasis yourselves."

"You mean the one that's bone dry?" Asks a Scarabia student. "How?"

"This is going beyond tyranny..."

"Seriously, what's wrong with the housewarden?"

"Don't worry, I came prepared for this." Jamil reassures. "We've got camels loaded with water. Offload it and share it amongst yourselves."

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