Forming a Tribe

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It's the first day of the training camp and you stand by the door to greet everyone coming. You tried cleaning up the place but with little to zero help from Grim, you felt like not much has been done.

You open the door to let Rook come in.

"Bonjour, Y/N. Grim. We shall be availing ourselves of your hospitality for the next four weeks. Thank you for having us."

Grim folds his arms and pouts. "Whatever it takes to get that tuna."

You step to the side to let everyone in. "Welcome to Ramshackle, everyone."

Vil flips his hair back. "My. It's certainly cleaner than I was expecting."

Epel waves to you. "Hello..."

"Wow, the ceilings are so low in here." Kalim laughs. "I'd hit my head if I tried to ride my magic carpet around."

Jamil sighs. "Maybe don't fly indoors at all." He looks to you. "Y/N, would you mind letting me share Kalim's room or take a room adjacent to his? This dorm is less secure than Scarabia, since you don't have to pass through a mirror to get here."

You smile. "Of course. Take whatever rooms you'd like."

Kalim waves Jamil off. "You're so paranoid, Jamil. We haven't had a single assassination attempt on campus since I enrolled."

"It's not you I'm worried about," Jamil states. "it's me, if anything happens to you. Just because you were safe yesterday doesn't mean you'll be safe today."

Ace and Deuce walk in. Ace cheerfully waves to you. "Hey, Y/N!"

"Thanks for having us, Y/N." Deuce hands you a large tin. "Here, these are from Trey."

You smell a delicious aroma coming from the tin. "That was so kind of him! I'll have to thank him the next time I see him."

Grim hops to your shoulder to get a better look. "Ooh, what's in the boxes? I smell a sweet treat!"

"It's a homemade chocolate cake and some apple pie, courtesy of Trey." Ace lists. "He said if we were imposing on another dorm's hospitality, we should at least bring gifts. What is he, our mom? We can split it with everybody later."

"I'm afraid I'll have to confiscate those gifts." Vil states.

Grim visibly pales. "What? Why?"

Vil shakes his head. "Gracious. Trey never changes, does he? He's the type of man one must truly watch himself around, the kind who spoils people rotten under the guise of knowing what's best."

Grim narrows his eyes. "Are you gonna make up some nonsense about rules and throw out perfectly good food like Riddle? Because I got some choice words for anybody that lets food go to waste!"

"Pardon? I never said anything about throwing it out." Vil waves a dismissive hand. "Anyway, all of you are to take your luggage and gather in the lounge. I have an important matter to discuss before we start."

You and the others move from the foyer to the lounge. You take a seat at the couch and Kalim immediately plops down next to you. Before Deuce or Ace could protest, Jamil sits at your other side.

Deuce nervously rubs his neck. "Hey, uh, I was planning on sitting there..."

"So?" Jamil shrugs his shoulders. "I'm already sitting here so go find another spot."

Dejectedly, Deuce and Ace find another seat. Kalim looks to Vil who remains standing. "So, Vil. What did you want to talk about?"

"I want all of you to open your luggage and show it to me." Vil demands.

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