Scrambling For a Meal

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A breeze hits your face and you hear different animal sounds. You open your eyes, seeing you're in a grassland. Getting up and looking around, it looks like every animal in this entire savanna is gathered by a very the large rock formation you're standing by. It almost looks like an L with one long rock propped up against another.

The animals quite down as a lion walks across the rock platform. He's a very big and muscular lion with a long flowing mane. He's joined by a lioness and a baboon who seems to be holding something. The baboon walls to the edge of the rock and holds up a little lion cub to the sky.

All the animals cheer and cry out seeing the lion cub being presented. Golden light breaks from the clouds and illuminates the baboon and the cub. The lion and lioness watch on proudly as all the animals cheer and stomp their feet.

You feel like you're being pulled away from the scene and ripples fill your vision. You close your eyes, feeling your warm soft bed beneath you. Opening your eyes, you see you're back in your room. Grim toss and turns beside you.

"Myaaah... Thass whatchu get... fer crossin' Grim da Miiightyyy-"

Grim lets out a loud snore, fighting some invisible enemy in his dream. You giggle, gently nudging Grim awake.

"Come on Grim, wake up."

"That's right! Cower before me, teapot tyrant!" Grim bleary opens his eyes. "Huh? Where am I? Aw, man! I was dreaming that I was trouncing Riddle with my magic. You shoulda seen his face!"

Grim stands up and punches the air causing you to laugh. "Just don't let Riddle hear you. It's time to head to class."

Grim immediately perks up and hops off the bed. "All right, lemme just fix my bedhead. Then it's off to class! I've got magic to master!"

Grim hangs lazily over your shoulder, eyes half closed. "Ugh. Professor Trein must have cast a sleepin' spell on me. I fought to stay awake, but he was sooo boring!"

Deuce rolls his eyes. "Yeah, 'fought', sure. I heard you snoring five minutes in."

Ace rubs his hands together. "Grub time! What's it gonna be today? Huh, wait? What's going on? Why's it so crowded in here?"

One of the ghosts that resides in the cafeteria materialized next to you, making you jump. "That famous bakery from out of town is serving up their goods. It only happens once a month! Their stock sells out fast, so you'd better hurry!"

Looking at the massive gathering of people at the bakery stand, you see students clambering over one another.

"Gimme three of those chocolate croissants!"

"Woo-hoo, I actually snagged an egg sandwich this month! These things are AMAZING!"

"Egg sandwiches are now sold out! Only one deluxe ham and cheese left!"

Ace looks around at the delicious spread. "Oh, man, everything looks amazing. I'm gonna see if I can grab somethin'."

"Wow, they really do seem popular!" Deuce looks to you. "Y/N, Grim, what do you-"

Deuce's eyes widen when he sees Grim is no longer with you. You panic, looking around to find where that cat had gone.

"Where did Grim go?"

"Hey! Outta my way, losers! That grilled cheese is mine!"

You finally spot Grim leaping from shoulder to shoulder to reach the bakery stand. You put a hand to your head. Come on Grim! Not again!

"Hey no cutting!"

"A freshman, cutting in front of an upperclassman? Time to learn you some manners."

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