Beautiful Fighting

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After finishing your lunch, you walk through the courtyard. Grim slouches from your arms. "I just know I'm gonna get drowsy in class after stuffin' myself at lunch."

Ace raises an eyebrow at the cat. "You'd better not nod off in the middle of an experiment and blow up another beaker."

A beautiful singing voice catches your attention. The others notice it too. Grim perks his ears. "Mrah?"

"What's that song?" Deuce asks.

"Someone's got a nice singing voice." You move towards the enchanting voice. "It's coming from by the well."

The person singing suddenly bursts into a coughing fit. Everyone steps back in surprise.

"Whoa, that went from smooth to rough in a hurry." Ace scratches the back of his neck.

The boy by the well sighs. "Mah singin's s'posed to sound charmin', but ah just can't do it..."

You peer from behind an apple tree, stepping on a twig in the process.

The boy whirls around. "Who's there?"

You and the others step out from behind the apple tree. You recognize the boy's lavender hair.

"Sorry to interrupt. We heard singing, and..." Deuce's eyes widen slightly. "Wait a minute. Aren't you the guy Y/N ran into on the first day of the semester?"

The boy rubs his arm. "Ah... Yes, I'm sorry about that."

You let out a small laugh. "Hey, I'm the one who should be sorry. Your name was Epel, right? I remember you from the ghost bride fiasco."

Epel nods. "Yes. And I believe you two are Deuce and Ace? And you're Grim and Y/N, I take it?"

Grim smirks. "Ooh, you know our names? I guess we really ARE campus celebrities."

"Your exhibition match at the interdorm Spelldrive tournament was pretty amusing." Epel holds his arms behind his back as he chuckles.

Ace folds his arms. "That's not exactly something we want to be known for."

Deuce clears his throat. "So, Epel. Why are you singing into the well?"

"The well has an echo, so it's a good way to hear the sound of your own voice." Epel answers. "Housewarden Vil instructed me to practice my singing here."

Deuce tilts his head. "Does Pomefiore have some rule that you have to be a good singer?"

"This isn't our dorm." Ace rolls his eyes. "Only Heartslabyul has rules that crazy."

"Correct." Epel smiles softly. "It's not a rule of the dorm, per se. But I will be auditioning for the Song and Dance Championship."

"That's awesome, Epel!" You say.

Epel blushes. "Vil instructed me to work on making my singing sound more charming and sweet..." He trails off. "But if I'm being honest, I could do without the whole competition."

Before you could ask Epel to repeat what he said, a voice cuts through the air.

"What's this, Epel? Are you shirking your vocal practice to parley with the pigeons?"

Epel's eyes widen and he takes a step back. "Vil..."

You look to see the incredibly handsome boy that you've seen a couple times before. He stops in front of your group with an unimpressed look on his face.

Deuce takes a step back. "So that's Vil Schoenheit, the Pomefiore housewarden."

"Dude!" Ace nudges you with his shoulder. "He looks so regal up close, it's actually imposing."

Grim hides behind your legs. "I feel small just lookin' at him!"

You nod, completely speechless.

Vil gestures to your group. "You there. Spudlings."

"Myah?" Grim tilts his head. "Are you talkin' to us?"

Vil rolls his eyes. "Who else would I be addressing? This is a critical time for Epel. We have less than two months until the SDC. He has no time to waste playing with unwashed spuds. Do not disturb him during his rehearsals."

Ace scoffs. "Excuse me?"

"We weren't trying to disturb him." Deuce tries to reason.

You take a step forward, about to defend your friends when Epel steps in front of you. He holds out an arm to shield you. "Vil, they ain't done nothin' to deserve how you're talkin'! Ah was..." He clears his throat. "I was-"

"Epel, how many times have I told you to avoid improper contractions and double negatives?" Vil put a hand to his hip. "How are you supposed to get anywhere if you break character any time your emotions grow heated? You'll never be a bright red poison apple at this rate. Come, Epel. We're leaving."

Epel glances at you over his shoulder. "But honestly, I'd rather be-"

Vil narrows his eyes. "Have you forgotten our agreement? Now come."

Epel looks to the floor. Ace takes a defensive step towards Vil. "Hey, hold up. I don't care if you ARE housewarden. He doesn't wanna go."

"And I don't appreciate you callin' us potatoes the moment you meet us." Grim folds his arms.

Deuce glances nervously at everyone. "G-guys, no! The headmage's told us repeatedly that fighting's against the rules!"

You narrow your eyes at Vil. "But forcing someone to do something against their will is never okay."

"Hold on, everyone." Epel nervously looks to you. "I'll be fine, really..."

Vil chuckles. "Mere tubers dare to challenge my authority? A bold move. This should make for a fine post-meal workout. Try me. I'll make mashed potatoes out of the lot of you."

Ace glances at you over his shoulder. "Y/N, stay back."

Vil chuckles. "Yes, move out of the way, little flower."

"Yeah, yeah." You sigh. "No room for the magicless."

Deuce and Ace square up against Vil as you move out of their way. Vil pulls out his dark purple jeweled pen. Ace and Deuce fire spells at random, none of them hitting their target. Grim doesn't fair any better. Vil doges easily and waves a hand, sending a blast of wind at the two. The spell sends Grim flying and causes Ace and Deuce to crash into you.

You groan as you hit the ground. "I think he did that on purpose..."

Vil smirks and folds his arms. "Your moves are all utterly unchoreographed. It's embarrassing to watch frankly, and woefully inelegant, to boot. You get a five out of one hundred. Next time you pick a fight, think twice about who you're challenging."

Epel stares wide eyed. "They took all that because of me..."

"My, I must seem like quite the villain." Vil stands behind Epel. "But know this, Epel, the fault lies entirely with you for skipping your rehearsals during the holidays. There is much work yet to be done if we are to earn our places as SDC finalists. You don't get to be number one by relaxing." Vil turns on his heels and walks away. "Now come."

"Yes, sir..." Epel sadly waves. "See you later, guys."

Grim trots over from wherever he was flown. "Mraaah... After all that, he still got yoinked away."

The boys untangle themselves from you. Ace dusts his clothes off. "What a downer. Is there some kinda rule in this school that you can't be housewarden unless you're a tremendous jerk?"

Deuce rolls his eyes and helps you stand. "We were unwise to pick that fight. If Housewarden Rosehearts hears about this, it might be off with our heads."

Deuce watches Epel as his form fades from view. "The Song & Dance Championship, huh?"

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