VR Simulation

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Idia sighs with relief once everyone signed their documents. "Okay, now that you've all signed, let's get these examinations going."

"The battle simulator and observation console are all set up." Ortho informs.

"Kk." Idia waves a hand. "Split the subjects into two teams. We'll do the first test with Subjects A, C, and E. Then the next with Subjects B and D. Ortho, show A, C, and E to the sim room."

Ortho nods. "Roger! Riddle Rosehearts. Azul Ashengrotto. Vil Schoenheit. Come on and follow me!"

The three of them stand and begrudgingly follow Ortho out the door.

"The rest of you can chill in this room." Idia turns on his heels and heads for the door. "I'm gonna step out. Use the intercom by the door to call the staff if you need anything."

"Hey, Acting Director." Leona smirks. "Shouldn't you at least leave us with a snack menu we can order from? We might get hungry?"

Idia rolls his eyes with a groan. "There goes Leona Kingscholar, just doin' his thing! Sorry, that's not an option."

Idia walks out and the door slides shut behind him. "Sheesh... Doesn't he know you can't just eat whatever during an exam? Some people..."

Leona leans back into his chair and closes his eyes. Jamil lets out a sigh. "Good grief... Well, this is a fine mess we're in."

"Yeah, no kidding."

Idia walks down the maze like halls. A Charon trooper follows behind him.

"Acting Director, what will Subject F's examination be? The medical team reports he is still asleep."

"Subject F..." Idia nods. "Right, Grim. I'm afraid the kitty's got too many variables. His command of magic is pretty mediocre. Nothing compared to the other guys. I doubt there's much point running him through the sims. You can just let him sleep for now. Just lemme know if he wakes up."

The trooper nods. "Rodger."

Idia walks into another room. This one is filled with monitors and people in lab coats similar to Idia's stationed at every screen. A table faces a large screen that covers an entire wall.

"Ortho has brought Subjects A, C, and E to the simulation room."

"Instruments calibrated. Ready to collect data. Commencing recording at 2100."

Idia sits at one of the chairs and speaks into a microphone. "Testing, one, two... This is the control room. Do you read me?"

"This is the simulation room. We read you loud and clear." Ortho's image appears on the screen, showing him and the others in a large room. They sit in very large chairs that has many wires connected to it. The three boys all have headsets strapped onto them. "All subjects have been equipped with testing gear."

"Excuse me, could the rest of us get a word in?" Vil says from his seat. "First you bring us to this absurdly large room, then you stick giant headsets on us. I can't see a thing in this."

"What are you going to do with us?" Riddle asks.

Azul folds his arms. "Surely you're going to make us fight each other."

Ortho shakes his head. "Not at all! You're wearing technomantic VR headsets. You'll be fighting enemies in virtual space."

"Virtual space?" Riddle questions.

Idia rolls his eyes. "It's a lot faster to just do it than trying to explain it. Start it up, Ortho."

"Wait just a minute, Idia." Azul says. "Weren't you the one who said people should read manuals in their entirety?"

"Roger!" Ortho says cheerfully, ignoring Azul. "Virtual enemy mode, standby. Commencing dive!"

Another image appears on the large screen. It shows the boys in what appears to be a training room. Ortho and a few Charon troopers are with them.

"What is this place?" Azul asks.

"It's a virtual space created with technomantic VR." Ortho answers. "We cut off your magic in the facility, but you can use it all you want here! And your real-world body won't sustain any damage, no matter how rough you get. So feel free to cut loose!"

"I see." Vil smirks. "In that case, there's no need to hold back."

Riddle grins. "I wasn't planning on it."

"Test one complete." Ortho says to the camera. "Subjects are cooling down within the sim."

One of the technicians types something on the computer. "Subjects A, C, and E's vital signs are all normal. Blot accumulation is within the standard range."

"Yeah, that's about what I expected." Idia folds his arms. "Time to see if the numbers differ in the next one."

"Simulator has synched with the Lachesis System. We're all set for the second test."

Idia nods. "Okay, phase transition time. Ortho, take it away."

"Roger! Virtual enemy mode, standby. Commencing dive!"

An image appears on the screen. It shows the three boys are in the school cafeteria. They look around in bewilderment.

"Is this the cafeteria?" Vil asks.

Riddle scowls. "What's their game now?"

"Aha. There you are, Roi du Poison."

All three of them whirl around and see Rook, Trey, and Jade approaching.

"Oh good, you're here too, Riddle." Trey smiles. "The housewarden meeting's about to start."

Jade stops in front of the three boys. "Azul, I've brought the documents for the topic you wanted to discuss."

Riddle, Azul, and Vil only stare at their classmates.

"What's the matter with you three?" Rook asks. "You look positively bewildered."

"Do we ALL have something on our faces?" Trey laughs.

"No." Vil shakes his head. "It's nothing. Let's go."

Vil walks past Rook, not noticing the vice housewarden grinning.

"Silly, Vil." Rook chuckles. "You've left your back wide open."

Rook grabs his pen and fires a spell at Vil, hitting him in the back. Vil is sent crashing to the floor.

Vil quickly recovers and stands back up. "Just what do you think you're doing, Rook?"

Both Trey and Jade take out their own pens and aims it at the Housewardens. Azul and Riddle back up in surprise.

"Trey? What is this?" Riddle asks in disbelief.

"Have you forgotten?" Rook laughs. "Every student at this school has the right to challenge the housewardens for their seat."

Jade grins. "We've already filed the paperwork for this with the headmage."

Vil looks between Rook, Trey and Jade. "You all wish to become housewardens?"

"Let me explain, Vil." Rook takes an imposing step towards Vil. "As you know, I appreciate beautiful things. Hence, I can hardly allow someone who's acted as ugly as you to occupy the Fairest Queen's throne!"

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