Soundly Chastised

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All too soon, Riddle beat Deuce and Ace greatly. Even though it was two against one, Riddle is vastly superior in terms of magic. Deuce and Ace throwing spells that never hit their mark.

"Off with your heads!"

The collars materialized back onto Deuce and Ace. Ace yells out in frustration. "Not again. I didn't even have time to finish my spell!"

"He shut us down like it was nothing..." Deuce says in defeat.

You shake your head in disbelief. "That ended fast! It was all just a blur."

"Visualization is key to spell casting." Crowley explains. "The better you are at accurately visualizing your magic's effects, the stronger and more precise it will be. It would appear Mr. Rosehearts has finely honed his magic."

Grim put his paws to his head. "Myah... They didn't stand a chance."

Riddle has a smug look on his face as he watches the two defeated boys. "Hmph. You didn't even last five seconds. That was all you had, and still you thought to challenge me? You must be utterly humiliated. I guess my mother was right. A man who cannot follow rules is a man who cannot achieve anything."

Deuce scoffs. "We agree that rules should be followed. But forcing others to follow nonsensical rules like the ones you've enacted is tyranny!"

"Then you agree that breaking rules is wrong. And in this dorm, I AM the rules." Riddle puts a hand to his chest. "Therefore, those who cannot abide by my decisions deserve not the heads they use to complain!"

Grim hops down from your arms as you cautiously step towards Riddle. You try to put a calming hand to his shoulder but he whirls on you at the slightest touch. You take a few step back.

"But Riddle, this isn't right. No one can live their lives with this many rules."

Riddle's eyes narrow. "I thought you understood. I thought we could have more unbirthday parties together. But now I see your just like the rest of them."

Riddle takes imposing steps towards you. "I am the one who decides what is wrong and right! What sort of pitiful education have you received, that you cannot follow such simple rules?"

Riddle finally stops right in front of you. He was so close you nearly bump into each other. "Clearly, you were born to parents with no magical capability. And as a result... You lack even the basic education necessary to attend a school such as this. It's quite sad."

Hurt, you look to the floor. Feeling Riddle's smug smirk the whole time. Carter gently puts his hands on your shoulders and guide you a couple steps back, holding you close. Deuce and Ace glare at Riddle with all the hate in the world.

"You little..." Deuce walks towards Riddle but Ace got to him first.

"You shut your spoiled little mouth!"

Ace grabs Riddle's shoulder, pulling him away from you. Ace slams a fist into Riddle's face, sending him reeling back. Everyone gasps at the sudden display of violence. You put a hand to your mouth, eyes wide.

Riddle stays silent for the longest moment, holding his jaw where he got hit. Trey and Carter nervously glance at each other.

"Riddle?" Trey quietly says.

The Headmage tilts his head. "Mr. Rosehearts?"

The rest of the dorm exchange whispers as to what happened. "Whoa! He just punched the housewarden...!"

Grim smirks. "Bam! Right cross to the face!"

Deuce, stunned, looks to Ace. "A-ace?"

Ace merely dusts himself off. "That's all I can take. Forget Riddle. Forget the duel. I'm done."

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