The Suitor Suits

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   "So much for our B Team..." Crowley sighs.

   Ace bursts out laughing. He clutches his sides. "Did you see how awkward Deuce was? Who goes dead silent as soon as they say their name? That was pure gold!"

   Grim rolls on the ground laughing. "They all paraded in there like they owned the joint, then immediately got the royal smackdown!"

   "This isn't funny, you guys!" Ortho shouts at the two. "The wedding's happening tonight! My brother's about to be unwillingly dragged to the land of the dead."

   You put a reassuring hand to his shoulder. Ortho looks up and nods in appreciation.

   Riddle puts a hand to his chin. "There's not much time until midnight. We need a successful proposal, and fast."

   "But even Azul failed." Kalim tilts his head. "The only housewardens left are the two of us, plus Malleus."

   "I suppose we have little choice." Crowley says. "We'll have to round up every remaining potential suitor!"

   Ruggie shakes his head. "Me, propose to a ghost? After Leona and Jack got captured trying to do it? Absolutely not! Leona will find his way back on his own. No way I'm sticking my neck out for free."

   "No. I'm not going, and neither is Kalim." Jamil grabs Kalim's arm and drags him away. "There would be consequences for my entire family if he were exposed to any danger. And if I went on my own, I guarantee Kalim would go, 'Ooh, that sounds fun!' and tag along. That's all there is to it. I'm afraid you'll have to clean up your mess yourselves."

   "I can't." Silver says. "Now that Fa-, er, Lilia and Sebek are absent, I'm the only one left to guard Malleus." Silver bows his head. "I'm deeply sorry I can't be of assistance."

   You all meet back in front of the school store. By the time you all got back, the sun had set.

   Crowley looks around at the gathered students. "So we have gathered a grand total of... NOBODY!"

   You shake your head. "We even lost a member of our group."

   Ortho folds his arms. "Absolutely heartless."

   Epel and Rook steps forward, Rook with a hand to his chest. "Worry not. You have two qualified suitors right here!"

   Ortho tilts his head. "Rook Hunt! Epel Felmier! You'll help my brother?"

   "But of course." Rook smiles. "Helping our fellow man is one of the most beauteous acts. That, and I refuse to let any more mockery of Vil's fair features continue! And you'll find Epel every bit as motived as myself."

   "That's right." Epel nods. "I'll save our housewarden and make him recognize my strength! If I do that, then maybe..." He trails off.

   "So our C Team consists of two people." Says Ace. "Well, I suppose I can't blame the others for not wanting to get involved-"

   "I'll join you." Riddle volunteers.

   Ace's eyes widen. "Wait, why? You're not seriously going to rescue Trey and Cater?"

   "That's part of it." Riddle answers. "A housewarden's job is to make up for the shortcomings of his dorm's students, after all. However, I have an even more critical reason. Aren't you forgetting something important, Ace?"

   Ace scratches his head. "Am I?"

   "Rule seven hundred and three: Anyone who comes in second in a croquet tournament must serve the queen tea the next day."

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